miio.integrations.mmgg.petwaterdispenser.status module

class miio.integrations.mmgg.petwaterdispenser.status.OperatingMode(value)[source]

Bases: Enum

An enumeration.

Normal = 1
Smart = 2
class miio.integrations.mmgg.petwaterdispenser.status.PetWaterDispenserStatus(data: Dict[str, Any])[source]

Bases: DeviceStatus

Container for status reports from Pet Water Dispenser.

descriptors() DescriptorCollection[PropertyDescriptor]

Return the dict of sensors exposed by the status container.

Use @sensor and @setting decorators to define properties.

embed(name: str, other: DeviceStatus)

Embed another status container to current one.

This makes it easy to provide a single status response for cases where responses from multiple I/O calls is wanted to provide a simple interface for downstreams.

Internally, this will prepend the name of the other class to the attribute names, and override the __getattribute__ to lookup attributes in the embedded containers.

property before_cleaning_days: timedelta

Days before cleaning.

property cotton_left_days: timedelta

Cotton filter life time remaining in days.

property is_error_detected: bool

True if fault detected.

property is_led_on: bool

True if enabled.

property is_lid_up: bool

True if lid is up.

property is_no_water: bool

True if there is no water left.

property is_on: bool

True if device is on.

property is_pump_blocked: bool

True if pump is blocked.

property location: str

Device location string.

property mode: OperatingMode


property no_water_minutes: timedelta

Minutes without water.

property sponge_filter_left_days: timedelta

Filter life time remaining in days.

property timezone: int

Timezone from -12 to +12.