
Contributions of any sort are more than welcome, so we hope this short introduction will help you to get started! Shortly put: we use black to format our code, isort to sort our imports, pytest to test our code, flake8 to do its checks, and doc8 for documentation checks.

See Development environment for setting up a development environment, and Improving device support for some helpful tips for adding support for new devices.

Development environment

This section will shortly go through how to get you started with a working development environment. We use poetry for managing the dependencies and packaging, so simply execute:

poetry install

If you were not already inside a virtual environment during the install, poetry will create one for you. You can execute commands inside this environment by using poetry run <command>, or alternatively, enter the virtual environment shell by executing poetry shell to avoid repeating poetry run.

To verify the installation, you can launch tox to run all the checks:


In order to make feedback loops faster, we automate our code checks by using precommit hooks. Therefore the first step after setting up the development environment is to install them:

pre-commit install

You can always execute the checks also without doing a commit.

Code checks

Instead of running all available checks during development, it is also possible to execute only the code checks by calling. This will execute the same checks that would be done automatically by precommit when you make a commit:

tox -e lint


We prefer to have tests for our code, so we use pytest you can also use by executing:

pytest miio

When adding support for a new device or extending an already existing one, please do not forget to create tests for your code.

Generating documentation

You can compile the documentation and open it locally in your browser:

sphinx-build docs/ generated_docs
$BROWSER generated_docs/index.html

Replace $BROWSER with your preferred browser, if the environment variable is not set.

Improving device support

Whether adding support for a new device or improving an existing one, the journey begins by finding out the commands used to control the device. This usually involves capturing packet traces between the device and the official app, and analyzing those packet traces afterwards.

Traffic Capturing

The process is as follows:

  1. Install Android emulator (BlueStacks emulator has been reported to work on Windows).

  2. Install the official Mi Home app in the emulator and set it up to use your device.

  3. Install WireShark (or use tcpdump on Linux) to capture the device traffic.

  4. Use the app to control the device and save the resulting PCAP file for later analyses.

  5. Obtain the device token in order to decrypt the traffic.

  6. Use miiocli devtools parse-pcap script to parse the captured PCAP files.


You can pass as many tokens you want to parse-pcap, they will be tested sequentially until decryption succeeds, or the input list is exhausted.

$ miiocli devtools parse-pcap captured_traffic.pcap <token> <another_token>

host   -> strip {'id': 6489, 'method': 'get_prop', 'params': ['power', 'temperature', 'current', 'mode', 'power_consume_rate', 'wifi_led', 'power_price']}
strip  -> host   {'result': ['on', 48.91, 0.07, None, 7.69, 'off', 999], 'id': 6489}
host   -> vacuum {'id': 8606, 'method': 'get_status', 'params': []}
vacuum -> host   {'result': [{'msg_ver': 8, 'msg_seq': 10146, 'state': 8, 'battery': 100, 'clean_time': 966, 'clean_area': 19342500, 'error_code': 0, 'map_present': 1, 'in_cleaning': 0, 'fan_power': 60, 'dnd_enabled': 1}], 'id': 8606}


== stats ==
        miio_packets: 24
        results: 12

== dst_addr ==
== src_addr ==

== commands ==
        get_prop: 3
        get_status: 3
        set_custom_mode: 2
        set_wifi_led: 2
        set_power: 2

Testing Properties

Another option for MiIO devices is to try to test which property accesses return a response. Some ideas about the naming of properties can be located from the existing integrations.

The miiocli devtools test-properties command can be used to perform this testing:

$ miiocli devtools test-properties power temperature current mode power_consume_rate voltage power_factor elec_leakage

Testing properties ('power', 'temperature', 'current', 'mode', 'power_consume_rate', 'voltage', 'power_factor', 'elec_leakage') for zimi.powerstrip.v2
Testing power                'on' <class 'str'>
Testing temperature          49.13 <class 'float'>
Testing current              0.07 <class 'float'>
Testing mode                 None
Testing power_consume_rate   7.8 <class 'float'>
Testing voltage              None
Testing power_factor         0.0 <class 'float'>
Testing elec_leakage         None
Found 5 valid properties, testing max_properties..
Testing 5 properties at once (power temperature current power_consume_rate power_factor): OK for 5 properties

Please copy the results below to your report
### Results ###
Model: zimi.powerstrip.v2
Total responsives: 5
Total non-empty: 5
All non-empty properties:
{'current': 0.07,
 'power': 'on',
 'power_consume_rate': 7.8,
 'power_factor': 0.0,
 'temperature': 49.13}
Max properties: 5

MiOT devices

For MiOT devices it is possible to obtain the available commands from the cloud. The git repository contains a script, devtools/, that allows both downloading the description files and parsing them into more understandable form.

Development checklist

  1. All device classes are derived from either Device (for MiIO) or MiotDevice (for MiOT) (Minimal example).

  2. All commands and their arguments should be decorated with @command decorator, which will make them accessible to miiocli (miiocli integration).

  3. All implementations must either include a model-keyed _mappings list (for MiOT), or define _supported_models variable in the class (for MiIO). listing the known models (as reported by info()).

  4. Status containers is derived from DeviceStatus class and all properties should have type annotations for their return values. The information that should be exposed directly to end users should be decorated using appropriate decorators (e.g., @sensor or @setting) to make them discoverable (Status containers).

  5. Add tests at least for the status container handling (Adding tests).

  6. Updating documentation is generally not needed as the API documentation will be generated automatically.

Minimal example


Add or link to an example.

miiocli integration

All user-exposed methods of the device class should be decorated with miio.click_common.command() to provide console interface. The decorated methods will be exposed as click commands for the given module. For example, the following definition:

    click.argument("string_argument", type=str),
    click.argument("int_argument", type=int, required=False)
def command(string_argument: str, int_argument: int):
    click.echo(f"Got {string_argument} and {int_argument}")

Produces a command miiocli example command requiring an argument that is passed to the method as string, and an optional integer argument.

Status containers

The status container (returned by the status() method of the device class) is the main way for library users to access properties exposed by the device. The status container should inherit DeviceStatus. Doing so ensures that a developer-friendly __repr__() based on the defined properties is there to help with debugging. Furthermore, it allows defining meta information about properties that are especially interesting for end users. The miiocli tool will automatically use the defined information to generate a user-friendly output.


The helper decorators are just syntactic sugar to create the corresponding descriptor classes and binding them to the status class.


The descriptors are merely hints to downstream users about the device capabilities. In practice this means that neither the input nor the output values of functions decorated with the descriptors are enforced automatically by this library.

Embedding Containers

Sometimes your device requires multiple I/O requests to gather information you want to expose to downstream users. One example of such is Roborock vacuum integration, where the status request does not report on information about consumables.

To make it easy for downstream users, you can embed other status container classes into a single one using miio.devicestatus.DeviceStatus.embed(). This will create a copy of the exposed descriptors to the main container and act as a proxy to give access to the properties of embedded containers.


Use @sensor to create SensorDescriptor objects for the status container. This will make all decorated sensors accessible through sensors() for downstream users.

@sensor(name="Voltage", unit="V", some_kwarg_for_downstream="hi there")
def voltage(self) -> Optional[float]:
    """Return the voltage, if available."""


All keywords arguments not defined in the decorator signature will be available through the extras variable.

This information can be used to pass information to the downstream users, see the source of miio.powerstrip.PowerStripStatus for example of how to pass device class information to Home Assistant.


Use @setting to create SettingDescriptor() objects. This will make all decorated settings accessible through settings() for downstream users.

The type of the descriptor depends on the input parameters:

  • Passing min_value or max_value will create a NumberSettingDescriptor, which is useful for presenting ranges of values.

  • Passing an enum.Enum object using choices will create a EnumSettingDescriptor, which is useful for presenting a fixed set of options.

  • Otherwise, the setting is considered to be boolean switch.

You can either use setter to define a callable that can be used to adjust the value of the property, or alternatively define setter_name which will be used to bind the method during the initialization to the the setter() callable.

Numerical Settings

The number descriptor allows defining a range of values and information about the steps. range_attribute can be used to define an attribute that is used to read the definitions, which is useful when the values depend on a device model.

class ExampleStatus(DeviceStatus):

    @setting(name="Color temperature", range_attribute="color_temperature_range")
    def colortemp(): ...

class ExampleDevice(Device):
    def color_temperature_range() -> ValidSettingRange:
        return ValidSettingRange(0, 100, 5)

Alternatively, min_value, max_value, and step can be used. The max_value is the only mandatory parameter. If not given, min_value defaults to 0 and step to 1.

@setting(name="Fan Speed", min_value=0, max_value=100, step=5, setter_name="set_fan_speed")
def fan_speed(self) -> int:
    """Return the current fan speed."""
Enum-based Settings

If the device has a setting with some pre-defined values, you want to use this.

class LedBrightness(Enum):
    Dim = 0
    Bright = 1
    Off = 2

@setting(name="LED Brightness", choices=SomeEnum, setter_name="set_led_brightness")
def led_brightness(self) -> LedBrightness:
    """Return the LED brightness."""


Use @action to create ActionDescriptor objects for the device. This will make all decorated actions accessible through actions() for downstream users.

@action(name="Do Something", some_kwarg_for_downstream="hi there")
def do_something(self):
    """Execute some action on the device."""


All keywords arguments not defined in the decorator signature will be available through the extras variable.

This information can be used to pass information to the downstream users.

Adding tests


Describe how to create tests. This part of documentation needs your help! Please consider submitting a pull request to update this.



Describe how to write documentation. This part of documentation needs your help! Please consider submitting a pull request to update this.