Source code for miio.push_server.server

import asyncio
import logging
import socket
from json import dumps
from random import randint
from typing import Callable, Dict, Optional, Union

from ..device import Device
from ..protocol import Utils
from .eventinfo import EventInfo
from .serverprotocol import ServerProtocol

_LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

FAKE_DEVICE_ID = "120009025"
FAKE_DEVICE_MODEL = "chuangmi.plug.v3"

PushServerCallback = Callable[[str, str, str], None]
MethodDict = Dict[str, Union[Dict, Callable]]

[docs] def calculated_token_enc(token): token_bytes = bytes.fromhex(token) encrypted_token = Utils.encrypt(token_bytes, token_bytes) encrypted_token_hex = encrypted_token.hex() return encrypted_token_hex[0:32]
[docs] class PushServer: """Async UDP push server acting as a fake miio device to handle event notifications from other devices. Assuming you already have a miio_device class initialized:: # First create the push server push_server = PushServer(miio_device.ip) # Then start the server await push_server.start() # Register the miio device to the server and specify a callback function to receive events for this device # The callback function schould have the form of "def callback_func(source_device, action, params):" push_server.register_miio_device(miio_device, callback_func) # create a EventInfo object with the information about the event you which to subscribe to (information taken from packet captures of automations in the mi home app) event_info = EventInfo( action="alarm_triggering", extra="[1,19,1,111,[0,1],2,0]", trigger_token=miio_device.token, ) # Send a message to the miio_device to subscribe for the event to receive messages on the push_server await push_server.subscribe_event(miio_device, event_info) # Now you will see the callback function beeing called whenever the event occurs await asyncio.sleep(30) # When done stop the push_server, this will send messages to all subscribed miio_devices to unsubscribe all events await push_server.stop() """ def __init__(self, *, device_ip=None, device_id=None): """Initialize the class.""" self._device_ip = device_ip self._address = "" # nosec self._server_ip = None self._device_id = device_id if device_id is not None else int(FAKE_DEVICE_ID) self._server_model = FAKE_DEVICE_MODEL self._loop = None self._listen_couroutine = None self._registered_devices = {} self._methods: MethodDict = {} self._event_id = 1000000
[docs] async def start(self): """Start Miio push server.""" if self._listen_couroutine is not None: _LOGGER.error("Miio push server already started, not starting another one.") return self._loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() transport, self._listen_couroutine = await self._create_udp_server() return transport, self._listen_couroutine
[docs] async def stop(self): """Stop Miio push server.""" if self._listen_couroutine is None: return for ip in list(self._registered_devices): await self.unregister_miio_device(self._registered_devices[ip]["device"]) self._listen_couroutine.close() self._listen_couroutine = None self._loop = None
[docs] def add_method(self, name: str, response: Union[Dict, Callable]): """Add a method to server. The response can be either a callable or a dictionary to send back as response. """ self._methods[name] = response
[docs] def register_miio_device(self, device: Device, callback: PushServerCallback): """Register a miio device to this push server.""" if device.ip is None: _LOGGER.error( "Can not register miio device to push server since it has no ip" ) return if device.token is None: _LOGGER.error( "Can not register miio device to push server since it has no token" ) return event_ids = [] if device.ip in self._registered_devices: _LOGGER.error( "A device for ip '%s' was already registed, overwriting previous callback", device.ip, ) event_ids = self._registered_devices[device.ip]["event_ids"] self._registered_devices[device.ip] = { "callback": callback, "token": bytes.fromhex(device.token), "event_ids": event_ids, "device": device, }
[docs] async def unregister_miio_device(self, device: Device): """Unregister a miio device from this push server.""" device_info = self._registered_devices.get(device.ip) if device_info is None: _LOGGER.debug("Device with ip %s not registered, bailing out", device.ip) return for event_id in device_info["event_ids"]: await self.unsubscribe_event(device, event_id) self._registered_devices.pop(device.ip) _LOGGER.debug("push server: unregistered miio device with ip %s", device.ip)
[docs] async def subscribe_event( self, device: Device, event_info: EventInfo ) -> Optional[str]: """Subscribe to a event such that the device will start pushing data for that event.""" if device.ip not in self._registered_devices: _LOGGER.error("Can not subscribe event, miio device not yet registered") return None if self.server_ip is None: _LOGGER.error("Can not subscribe event withouth starting the push server") return None self._event_id = self._event_id + 1 event_id = f"x.scene.{self._event_id}" # device.device_id and device.model may do IO if device info is not cached, so run in executor. event_payload = await self._loop.run_in_executor( None, self._construct_event, event_id, event_info, device, ) response = await self._loop.run_in_executor( None, device.send, "send_data_frame", { "cur": 0, "data": event_payload, "data_tkn": 29576, "total": 1, "type": "scene", }, ) if response != ["ok"]: _LOGGER.error( "Error subscribing event, response %s, event_payload %s", response, event_payload, ) return None event_ids = self._registered_devices[device.ip]["event_ids"] event_ids.append(event_id) return event_id
[docs] async def unsubscribe_event(self, device: Device, event_id: str): """Unsubscribe from a event by id.""" result = await self._loop.run_in_executor( None, device.send, "miIO.xdel", [event_id] ) if result == ["ok"]: event_ids = self._registered_devices[device.ip]["event_ids"] if event_id in event_ids: event_ids.remove(event_id) else: _LOGGER.error("Error removing event_id %s: %s", event_id, result) return result
async def _get_server_ip(self): """Connect to the miio device to get server_ip using a one time use socket.""" get_ip_socket = socket.socket(family=socket.AF_INET, type=socket.SOCK_DGRAM) get_ip_socket.bind((self._address, SERVER_PORT)) get_ip_socket.setblocking(False) await self._loop.sock_connect(get_ip_socket, (self._device_ip, SERVER_PORT)) server_ip = get_ip_socket.getsockname()[0] get_ip_socket.close() _LOGGER.debug("Miio push server device ip=%s", server_ip) return server_ip async def _create_udp_server(self): """Create the UDP socket and protocol.""" if self._device_ip is not None: self._server_ip = await self._get_server_ip() # Create a fresh socket that will be used for the push server udp_socket = socket.socket(family=socket.AF_INET, type=socket.SOCK_DGRAM) udp_socket.bind((self._address, SERVER_PORT)) udp_socket.setblocking(False) return await self._loop.create_datagram_endpoint( lambda: ServerProtocol(self._loop, udp_socket, self), sock=udp_socket, ) def _construct_event( # nosec self, event_id: str, info: EventInfo, device: Device, ): """Construct the event data payload needed to subscribe to an event.""" if info.event is None: info.event = info.action if info.source_sid is None: info.source_sid = str(device.device_id) if info.source_model is None: info.source_model = device.model token_enc = calculated_token_enc(device.token) source_id = info.source_sid.replace(".", "_") command = f"{self.server_model}.{info.action}:{source_id}" key = f"event.{info.source_model}.{info.event}" message_id = 0 magic_number = randint( 1590161094, 1642025774 ) # nosec, min/max taken from packet captures, unknown use if len(command) > 49: _LOGGER.error( "push server event command can be max 49 chars long," " '%s' is %i chars, received callback command will be truncated", command, len(command), ) trigger_data = { "did": info.source_sid, "extra": info.extra, "key": key, "model": info.source_model, "src": "device", "timespan": [ "0 0 * * 0,1,2,3,4,5,6", "0 0 * * 0,1,2,3,4,5,6", ], "token": info.trigger_token, } if info.trigger_value is not None: trigger_data["value"] = info.trigger_value target_data = { "command": command, "did": str(self.device_id), "extra": info.command_extra, "id": message_id, "ip": self.server_ip, "model": self.server_model, "token": token_enc, "value": "", } event_data = [ [ event_id, [ "1.0", magic_number, [ "0", trigger_data, ], [target_data], ], ] ] event_payload = dumps(event_data, separators=(",", ":")) return event_payload @property def server_ip(self): """Return the IP of the device running this server.""" return self._server_ip @property def device_id(self): """Return the ID of the fake device beeing emulated.""" return self._device_id @property def server_model(self): """Return the model of the fake device beeing emulated.""" return self._server_model @property def methods(self) -> MethodDict: """Return a dict of implemented methods.""" return self._methods