Source code for miio.integrations.zhimi.humidifier.airhumidifier_miot

import enum
import logging
from typing import Any, Dict, Optional

import click

from miio import DeviceStatus, MiotDevice
from miio.click_common import EnumType, command, format_output

_LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

SMARTMI_EVAPORATIVE_HUMIDIFIER_2 = "zhimi.humidifier.ca4"

        # Source
        # Air Humidifier (siid=2)
        "power": {"siid": 2, "piid": 1},  # bool
        "fault": {"siid": 2, "piid": 2},  # [0, 15] step 1
        "mode": {"siid": 2, "piid": 5},  # 0 - Auto, 1 - lvl1, 2 - lvl2, 3 - lvl3
        "target_humidity": {"siid": 2, "piid": 6},  # [30, 80] step 1
        "water_level": {"siid": 2, "piid": 7},  # [0, 128] step 1
        "dry": {"siid": 2, "piid": 8},  # bool
        "use_time": {"siid": 2, "piid": 9},  # [0, 2147483600], step 1
        "button_pressed": {"siid": 2, "piid": 10},  # 0 - none, 1 - led, 2 - power
        "speed_level": {"siid": 2, "piid": 11},  # [200, 2000], step 10
        # Environment (siid=3)
        "temperature": {"siid": 3, "piid": 7},  # [-40, 125] step 0.1
        "fahrenheit": {"siid": 3, "piid": 8},  # [-40, 257] step 0.1
        "humidity": {"siid": 3, "piid": 9},  # [0, 100] step 1
        # Alarm (siid=4)
        "buzzer": {"siid": 4, "piid": 1},
        # Indicator Light (siid=5)
        "led_brightness": {"siid": 5, "piid": 2},  # 0 - Off, 1 - Dim, 2 - Brightest
        # Physical Control Locked (siid=6)
        "child_lock": {"siid": 6, "piid": 1},  # bool
        # Other (siid=7)
        "actual_speed": {"siid": 7, "piid": 1},  # [0, 2000] step 1
        "power_time": {"siid": 7, "piid": 3},  # [0, 4294967295] step 1
        "clean_mode": {"siid": 7, "piid": 5},  # bool

[docs] class OperationMode(enum.Enum): Auto = 0 Low = 1 Mid = 2 High = 3
[docs] class LedBrightness(enum.Enum): Off = 0 Dim = 1 Bright = 2
[docs] class PressedButton(enum.Enum): No = 0 Led = 1 Power = 2
[docs] class AirHumidifierMiotStatus(DeviceStatus): """Container for status reports from the air humidifier. Xiaomi Smartmi Evaporation Air Humidifier 2 (zhimi.humidifier.ca4) respone (MIoT format):: [ {'did': 'power', 'siid': 2, 'piid': 1, 'code': 0, 'value': True}, {'did': 'fault', 'siid': 2, 'piid': 2, 'code': 0, 'value': 0}, {'did': 'mode', 'siid': 2, 'piid': 5, 'code': 0, 'value': 0}, {'did': 'target_humidity', 'siid': 2, 'piid': 6, 'code': 0, 'value': 50}, {'did': 'water_level', 'siid': 2, 'piid': 7, 'code': 0, 'value': 127}, {'did': 'dry', 'siid': 2, 'piid': 8, 'code': 0, 'value': False}, {'did': 'use_time', 'siid': 2, 'piid': 9, 'code': 0, 'value': 5140816}, {'did': 'button_pressed', 'siid': 2, 'piid': 10, 'code': 0, 'value': 2}, {'did': 'speed_level', 'siid': 2, 'piid': 11, 'code': 0, 'value': 790}, {'did': 'temperature', 'siid': 3, 'piid': 7, 'code': 0, 'value': 22.7}, {'did': 'fahrenheit', 'siid': 3, 'piid': 8, 'code': 0, 'value': 72.8}, {'did': 'humidity', 'siid': 3, 'piid': 9, 'code': 0, 'value': 39}, {'did': 'buzzer', 'siid': 4, 'piid': 1, 'code': 0, 'value': False}, {'did': 'led_brightness', 'siid': 5, 'piid': 2, 'code': 0, 'value': 2}, {'did': 'child_lock', 'siid': 6, 'piid': 1, 'code': 0, 'value': False}, {'did': 'actual_speed', 'siid': 7, 'piid': 1, 'code': 0, 'value': 0}, {'did': 'power_time', 'siid': 7, 'piid': 3, 'code': 0, 'value': 18520}, {'did': 'clean_mode', 'siid': 7, 'piid': 5, 'code': 0, 'value': True} ] """ def __init__(self, data: Dict[str, Any]) -> None: = data # Air Humidifier @property def is_on(self) -> bool: """Return True if device is on.""" return["power"] @property def power(self) -> str: """Return power state.""" return "on" if self.is_on else "off" @property def error(self) -> int: """Return error state.""" return["fault"] @property def mode(self) -> OperationMode: """Return current operation mode.""" try: mode = OperationMode(["mode"]) except ValueError as e: _LOGGER.exception("Cannot parse mode: %s", e) return OperationMode.Auto return mode @property def target_humidity(self) -> int: """Return target humidity.""" return["target_humidity"] @property def water_level(self) -> Optional[int]: """Return current water level in percent. If water tank is full, raw water_level value is 120. If water tank is overfilled, raw water_level value is 125. """ water_level =["water_level"] if water_level > 125: return None if water_level < 0: return 0 return int(min(water_level / 1.2, 100)) @property def water_tank_detached(self) -> bool: """True if the water tank is detached. If water tank is detached, water_level is 127. """ return["water_level"] == 127 @property def dry(self) -> Optional[bool]: """Return True if dry mode is on.""" if["dry"] is not None: return["dry"] return None @property def use_time(self) -> int: """Return how long the device has been active in seconds.""" return["use_time"] @property def button_pressed(self) -> PressedButton: """Return last pressed button.""" try: button = PressedButton(["button_pressed"]) except ValueError as e: _LOGGER.exception("Cannot parse button_pressed: %s", e) return PressedButton.No return button @property def motor_speed(self) -> int: """Return target speed of the motor.""" return["speed_level"] # Environment @property def humidity(self) -> int: """Return current humidity.""" return["humidity"] @property def temperature(self) -> Optional[float]: """Return current temperature, if available.""" if["temperature"] is not None: return round(["temperature"], 1) return None @property def fahrenheit(self) -> Optional[float]: """Return current temperature in fahrenheit, if available.""" if["fahrenheit"] is not None: return round(["fahrenheit"], 1) return None # Alarm @property def buzzer(self) -> Optional[bool]: """Return True if buzzer is on.""" if["buzzer"] is not None: return["buzzer"] return None # Indicator Light @property def led_brightness(self) -> Optional[LedBrightness]: """Return brightness of the LED.""" if["led_brightness"] is not None: try: return LedBrightness(["led_brightness"]) except ValueError as e: _LOGGER.exception("Cannot parse led_brightness: %s", e) return None return None # Physical Control Locked @property def child_lock(self) -> bool: """Return True if child lock is on.""" return["child_lock"] # Other @property def actual_speed(self) -> int: """Return real speed of the motor.""" return["actual_speed"] @property def power_time(self) -> int: """Return how long the device has been powered in seconds.""" return["power_time"] @property def clean_mode(self) -> bool: """Return True if clean mode is active.""" return["clean_mode"]
[docs] class AirHumidifierMiot(MiotDevice): """Main class representing the air humidifier which uses MIoT protocol.""" _mappings = _MAPPINGS
[docs] @command( default_output=format_output( "", "Power: {result.power}\n" "Error: {result.error}\n" "Target Humidity: {result.target_humidity} %\n" "Humidity: {result.humidity} %\n" "Temperature: {result.temperature} °C\n" "Temperature: {result.fahrenheit} °F\n" "Water Level: {result.water_level} %\n" "Water tank detached: {result.water_tank_detached}\n" "Mode: {result.mode}\n" "LED brightness: {result.led_brightness}\n" "Buzzer: {result.buzzer}\n" "Child lock: {result.child_lock}\n" "Dry mode: {result.dry}\n" "Button pressed {result.button_pressed}\n" "Target motor speed: {result.motor_speed} rpm\n" "Actual motor speed: {result.actual_speed} rpm\n" "Use time: {result.use_time} s\n" "Power time: {result.power_time} s\n" "Clean mode: {result.clean_mode}\n", ) ) def status(self) -> AirHumidifierMiotStatus: """Retrieve properties.""" return AirHumidifierMiotStatus( { prop["did"]: prop["value"] if prop["code"] == 0 else None for prop in self.get_properties_for_mapping() } )
[docs] @command(default_output=format_output("Powering on")) def on(self): """Power on.""" return self.set_property("power", True)
[docs] @command(default_output=format_output("Powering off")) def off(self): """Power off.""" return self.set_property("power", False)
[docs] @command( click.argument("rpm", type=int), default_output=format_output("Setting motor speed '{rpm}' rpm"), ) def set_speed(self, rpm: int): """Set motor speed.""" if rpm < 200 or rpm > 2000 or rpm % 10 != 0: raise ValueError( "Invalid motor speed: %s. Must be between 200 and 2000 and divisible by 10" % rpm ) return self.set_property("speed_level", rpm)
[docs] @command( click.argument("humidity", type=int), default_output=format_output("Setting target humidity {humidity}%"), ) def set_target_humidity(self, humidity: int): """Set target humidity.""" if humidity < 30 or humidity > 80: raise ValueError( "Invalid target humidity: %s. Must be between 30 and 80" % humidity ) return self.set_property("target_humidity", humidity)
[docs] @command( click.argument("mode", type=EnumType(OperationMode)), default_output=format_output("Setting mode to '{mode.value}'"), ) def set_mode(self, mode: OperationMode): """Set working mode.""" return self.set_property("mode", mode.value)
[docs] @command( click.argument("brightness", type=EnumType(LedBrightness)), default_output=format_output("Setting LED brightness to {brightness}"), ) def set_led_brightness(self, brightness: LedBrightness): """Set led brightness.""" return self.set_property("led_brightness", brightness.value)
[docs] @command( click.argument("buzzer", type=bool), default_output=format_output( lambda buzzer: "Turning on buzzer" if buzzer else "Turning off buzzer" ), ) def set_buzzer(self, buzzer: bool): """Set buzzer on/off.""" return self.set_property("buzzer", buzzer)
[docs] @command( click.argument("lock", type=bool), default_output=format_output( lambda lock: "Turning on child lock" if lock else "Turning off child lock" ), ) def set_child_lock(self, lock: bool): """Set child lock on/off.""" return self.set_property("child_lock", lock)
[docs] @command( click.argument("dry", type=bool), default_output=format_output( lambda dry: "Turning on dry mode" if dry else "Turning off dry mode" ), ) def set_dry(self, dry: bool): """Set dry mode on/off.""" return self.set_property("dry", dry)
[docs] @command( click.argument("clean_mode", type=bool), default_output=format_output( lambda clean_mode: ( "Turning on clean mode" if clean_mode else "Turning off clean mode" ) ), ) def set_clean_mode(self, clean_mode: bool): """Set clean mode on/off.""" return self.set_property("clean_mode", clean_mode)