Source code for miio.integrations.viomi.viomidishwasher.viomidishwasher

import enum
import logging
from collections import defaultdict
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional

import click

from miio.click_common import EnumType, command, format_output
from miio.device import Device, DeviceStatus
from miio.exceptions import DeviceException

_LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

MODEL_DISWAHSER_M02 = "viomi.dishwasher.m02"


[docs] class MachineStatus(enum.IntEnum): Off = 0 On = 1 Running = 2 Paused = 3 Done = 4 Scheduled = 5 AutoDry = 6
[docs] class ProgramStatus(enum.IntEnum): Standby = 0 Prewash = 1 Wash = 2 Rinse = 3 Drying = 4 Unknown = -1
[docs] class Program(enum.IntEnum): Standard = 0 Eco = 1 Quick = 2 Intensive = 3 Glassware = 4 Sterilize = 7 Unknown = -1 @property def run_time(self): return ProgramRunTime[self.value]
ProgramRunTime = { Program.Standard: 7102, Program.Eco: 7702, Program.Quick: 1675, Program.Intensive: 7522, Program.Glassware: 6930, Program.Sterilize: 8295, Program.Unknown: -1, }
[docs] class ChildLockStatus(enum.IntEnum): Enabled = 1 Disabled = 0
[docs] class DoorStatus(enum.IntEnum): Open = 128 Closed = 0
[docs] class SystemStatus(enum.IntEnum): WaterLeak = 1 InsufficientWaterFlow = 4 InternalConnectionError = 9 ThermistorError = 32 InsufficientWaterSoftener = 512 HeatingElementError = 2048
[docs] class ViomiDishwasherStatus(DeviceStatus): def __init__(self, data: Dict[str, Any]) -> None: """A ViomiDishwasherStatus representing the most important values for the device. Example: { "child_lock": 0, "program": 2, "run_status": 512, "wash_status": 0, "wash_temp": 86, "power": 0, "left_time": 0, "wash_done_appointment": 0, "freshdry_interval": 0, "wash_process": 0 } """ = data @property def child_lock(self) -> bool: """Returns the child lock status of the device.""" value =["child_lock"] if value in [0, 1]: return bool(value) raise DeviceException(f"{value} is not a valid child lock status.") @property def program(self) -> Program: """Returns the current selected program of the device.""" program =["program"] try: return Program(program) except ValueError: _LOGGER.warning("Program %r is Unknown.", program) return Program.Unknown @property def door_open(self) -> bool: """Returns True if the door is open.""" return bool(["run_status"] & (1 << 7)) @property def system_status_raw(self) -> int: """Returns the raw status number of the device. This is in general used to detected: - Errors in the system. - If the door is open or not. """ return["run_status"] @property def status(self) -> MachineStatus: """Returns the machine status of the device.""" return MachineStatus(["wash_status"]) @property def temperature(self) -> int: """Returns the temperature in degree Celsius as determined by the NTC thermistor.""" return["wash_temp"] @property def power(self) -> bool: """Returns the power status of the device.""" value =["power"] if value in [0, 1]: return bool(value) raise DeviceException(f"{value} is not a valid power status.") @property def time_left(self) -> timedelta: """Returns the timedelta in seconds of time left of the current program. Will always be 0 if no program is running. """ value =["left_time"] if isinstance(value, int): return timedelta(seconds=value) raise DeviceException(f"{value} is not a valid integer for time_left.") @property def schedule(self) -> Optional[datetime]: """Returns a datetime when the scheduled program should be finished. Will always be 0 if nothing is scheduled. """ value =["wash_done_appointment"] if isinstance(value, int): return datetime.fromtimestamp(value) if value else None raise DeviceException( f"{value} is not a valid integer for wash_done_appointment." ) @property def air_refresh_interval(self) -> int: """Returns an integer on how often the air in the device should be refreshed. Todo: * It's unknown what the value means. It seems not to be minutes. The default set by the Xiaomi Home app is 8. """ value =["freshdry_interval"] if isinstance(value, int): return value raise DeviceException(f"{value} is not a valid integer for freshdry_interval.") @property def program_progress(self) -> ProgramStatus: """Returns the program status of the running program.""" value =["wash_process"] try: return ProgramStatus(value) except ValueError: _LOGGER.warning("ProgramStatus %r is Unknown.", value) return ProgramStatus.Unknown @property def errors(self) -> List[SystemStatus]: """Returns list of errors if detected in the system.""" errors = [] if["run_status"] & (1 << 0): errors.append(SystemStatus.WaterLeak) if["run_status"] & (1 << 3): errors.append(SystemStatus.InternalConnectionError) if["run_status"] & (1 << 2): errors.append(SystemStatus.InsufficientWaterFlow) if["run_status"] & (1 << 5): errors.append(SystemStatus.ThermistorError) if["run_status"] & (1 << 9): errors.append(SystemStatus.InsufficientWaterSoftener) if["run_status"] & (1 << 11): errors.append(SystemStatus.HeatingElementError) return errors
[docs] class ViomiDishwasher(Device): """Main class representing the dishwasher.""" _supported_models = MODELS_SUPPORTED
[docs] @command( default_output=format_output( "", "Program: {}\n" "Program state: {}\n" "Program time left: {result.time_left}\n" "Dishwasher status: {}\n" "Power status: {result.power}\n" "Door open: {result.door_open}\n" "Temperature: {result.temperature}\n" "Schedule: {result.schedule}\n" "Air refresh interval: {result.air_refresh_interval}\n" "Child lock: {result.child_lock}\n" "System status (raw): {result.system_status_raw}\n" "Errors: {result.errors}", ) ) def status(self) -> ViomiDishwasherStatus: """Retrieve properties.""" properties = [ "child_lock", "program", "run_status", "wash_status", "wash_temp", "power", "left_time", "wash_done_appointment", "freshdry_interval", "wash_process", ] values = self.get_properties(properties, max_properties=1) return ViomiDishwasherStatus(defaultdict(lambda: None, zip(properties, values)))
# FIXME: Change these to use the ViomiDishwasherStatus once we can query multiple properties at once (or cache?). def _is_on(self) -> bool: return bool(self.get_properties(["power"])[0]) def _is_running(self) -> bool: current_status = ProgramStatus(self.get_properties(["wash_process"])[0]) return current_status > 0 def _set_wash_status(self, status: MachineStatus) -> Any: return self.send("set_wash_status", [status.value])
[docs] @command(default_output=format_output("Powering on")) def on(self): """Power on.""" return self.send("set_power", [1])
[docs] @command(default_output=format_output("Powering off")) def off(self): """Power off.""" return self.send("set_power", [0])
[docs] @command( click.argument("status", type=EnumType(ChildLockStatus)), default_output=format_output("Setting child lock to '{}'"), ) def child_lock(self, status: ChildLockStatus): """Set child lock.""" if not self._is_on(): self.on() output = self.send("set_child_lock", [status.value]) else: output = self.send("set_child_lock", [status.value]) return output
[docs] @command( click.argument("time", type=click.DateTime(formats=["%H:%M"])), click.argument("program", type=EnumType(Program)), ) def schedule(self, time: datetime, program: Program) -> str: """Schedule a program run. *time* defines the time when the program should finish. """ if program == Program.Unknown: ValueError(f"Program {} is not valid for this function.") scheduled_finish_date = hour=time.hour, minute=time.minute, second=0, microsecond=0 ) scheduled_start_date = scheduled_finish_date - timedelta( seconds=program.run_time ) if scheduled_start_date < raise ValueError( "Proposed time is in the past (the proposed time is the finishing time, not the start time)." ) if not self._is_on(): self.on() if self._is_running(): raise DeviceException( "A wash program is already running. Wait for current program to finish or stop." ) if self.get_properties(["wash_done_appointment"])[0] > 0: self.cancel_schedule(check_if_on=False) params = f"{round(scheduled_finish_date.timestamp())},{program.value}" value = self.send("set_wash_done_appointment", [params]) _LOGGER.debug( "Program %s will start at %s and finish around %s.",, scheduled_start_date, scheduled_finish_date, ) return value
[docs] @command() def cancel_schedule(self, check_if_on=True) -> str: """Cancel an existing schedule.""" if not self._is_on() and check_if_on: return "Dishwasher is not turned on. Nothing scheduled." value = self.send("set_wash_done_appointment", ["0,0"]) _LOGGER.debug("Schedule cancelled.") return value
[docs] @command( click.argument("program", type=EnumType(Program), required=False), ) def start(self, program: Optional[Program]) -> str: """Start a program (with optional program or current).""" if program: value = self.send("set_program", [program.value]) _LOGGER.debug("Started program %s.", return value if not self._is_on(): self.on() program = Program(self.get_properties(["program"])[0]) value = self._set_wash_status(MachineStatus.Running) _LOGGER.debug("Started program %s.", return value
[docs] @command() def stop(self) -> str: """Stop a program.""" if not self._is_running(): raise DeviceException("No program running.") value = self._set_wash_status(MachineStatus.On) _LOGGER.debug("Program stopped.") return value
[docs] @command() def pause(self) -> str: """Pause a program.""" if not self._is_running(): raise DeviceException("No program running.") value = self._set_wash_status(MachineStatus.Paused) _LOGGER.debug("Program paused.") return value
[docs] @command(name="continue") def continue_program(self) -> str: """Continue a program.""" if not self._is_running(): raise DeviceException("No program running.") value = self._set_wash_status(MachineStatus.Running) _LOGGER.debug("Program continued.") return value
[docs] @command( click.argument("time", type=int), default_output=format_output("Setting air refresh to '{time}'"), ) def airrefresh(self, time: int) -> List[str]: """Set air refresh interval.""" return self.send("set_freshdry_interval_t", [time])