Source code for miio.integrations.roborock.vacuum.vacuumcontainers

import logging
from datetime import datetime, time, timedelta
from enum import IntEnum
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Union
from urllib import parse

from croniter import croniter
from pytz import BaseTzInfo

from miio.device import DeviceStatus
from miio.devicestatus import sensor, setting
from miio.identifiers import VacuumId, VacuumState
from miio.utils import pretty_seconds, pretty_time

from .vacuum_enums import MopIntensity, MopMode

_LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] def pretty_area(x: float) -> float: return int(x) / 1000000
STATE_CODE_TO_STRING = { 1: "Starting", 2: "Charger disconnected", 3: "Idle", 4: "Remote control active", 5: "Cleaning", 6: "Returning home", 7: "Manual mode", 8: "Charging", 9: "Charging problem", 10: "Paused", 11: "Spot cleaning", 12: "Error", 13: "Shutting down", 14: "Updating", 15: "Docking", 16: "Going to target", 17: "Zoned cleaning", 18: "Segment cleaning", 22: "Emptying the bin", # on s7+, see #1189 23: "Washing the mop", # on a46, #1435 26: "Going to wash the mop", # on a46, #1435 100: "Charging complete", 101: "Device offline", } VACUUMSTATE_TO_STATE_CODES = { VacuumState.Idle: [1, 2, 3, 13], VacuumState.Paused: [10], VacuumState.Cleaning: [4, 5, 7, 11, 16, 17, 18], VacuumState.Docked: [8, 14, 22, 100], VacuumState.Returning: [6, 15], VacuumState.Error: [9, 12, 101], } STATE_CODE_TO_VACUUMSTATE = {} for state, codes in VACUUMSTATE_TO_STATE_CODES.items(): for code in codes: STATE_CODE_TO_VACUUMSTATE[code] = state ERROR_CODES = { # from vacuum_cleaner-EN.pdf 0: "No error", 1: "Laser distance sensor error", 2: "Collision sensor error", 3: "Wheels on top of void, move robot", 4: "Clean hovering sensors, move robot", 5: "Clean main brush", 6: "Clean side brush", 7: "Main wheel stuck?", 8: "Device stuck, clean area", 9: "Dust collector missing", 10: "Clean filter", 11: "Stuck in magnetic barrier", 12: "Low battery", 13: "Charging fault", 14: "Battery fault", 15: "Wall sensors dirty, wipe them", 16: "Place me on flat surface", 17: "Side brushes problem, reboot me", 18: "Suction fan problem", 19: "Unpowered charging station", 21: "Laser distance sensor blocked", 22: "Clean the dock charging contacts", 23: "Docking station not reachable", 24: "No-go zone or invisible wall detected", 26: "Wall sensor is dirty", 27: "VibraRise system is jammed", 28: "Roborock is on carpet", } dock_error_codes = { # from vacuum_cleaner-EN.pdf 0: "No error", 38: "Clean water tank empty", 39: "Dirty water tank full", }
[docs] class MapList(DeviceStatus): """Contains a information about the maps/floors of the vacuum.""" def __init__(self, data: Dict[str, Any]) -> None: # {'max_multi_map': 4, 'max_bak_map': 1, 'multi_map_count': 3, 'map_info': [ # {'mapFlag': 0, 'add_time': 1664448893, 'length': 10, 'name': 'Downstairs', 'bak_maps': [{'mapFlag': 4, 'add_time': 1663577737}]}, # {'mapFlag': 1, 'add_time': 1663580330, 'length': 8, 'name': 'Upstairs', 'bak_maps': [{'mapFlag': 5, 'add_time': 1663577752}]}, # {'mapFlag': 2, 'add_time': 1663580384, 'length': 5, 'name': 'Attic', 'bak_maps': [{'mapFlag': 6, 'add_time': 1663577765}]} # ]} = data self._map_name_dict = {} for map in["map_info"]: self._map_name_dict[parse.unquote(map["name"])] = map["mapFlag"] @property def map_count(self) -> int: """Amount of maps stored.""" return["multi_map_count"] @property def map_id_list(self) -> List[int]: """List of map ids.""" return list(self._map_name_dict.values()) @property def map_list(self) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]: """List of map info.""" return["map_info"] @property def map_name_dict(self) -> Dict[str, int]: """Dictionary of map names (keys) with there ids (values).""" return self._map_name_dict
[docs] class VacuumStatus(DeviceStatus): """Container for status reports from the vacuum.""" def __init__(self, data: Dict[str, Any]) -> None: # {'result': [{'state': 8, 'dnd_enabled': 1, 'clean_time': 0, # 'msg_ver': 4, 'map_present': 1, 'error_code': 0, 'in_cleaning': 0, # 'clean_area': 0, 'battery': 100, 'fan_power': 20, 'msg_seq': 320}], # 'id': 1} # v8 new items # clean_mode, begin_time, clean_trigger, # back_trigger, clean_strategy, and completed # TODO: create getters if wanted # # {"msg_ver":8,"msg_seq":60,"state":5,"battery":93,"clean_mode":0, # "fan_power":50,"error_code":0,"map_present":1,"in_cleaning":1, # "dnd_enabled":0,"begin_time":1534333389,"clean_time":21, # "clean_area":202500,"clean_trigger":2,"back_trigger":0, # "completed":0,"clean_strategy":1} # Example of S6 in the segment cleaning mode # new items: in_fresh_state, water_box_status, lab_status, map_status, lock_status # # [{'msg_ver': 2, 'msg_seq': 28, 'state': 18, 'battery': 95, # 'clean_time': 606, 'clean_area': 8115000, 'error_code': 0, # 'map_present': 1, 'in_cleaning': 3, 'in_returning': 0, # 'in_fresh_state': 0, 'lab_status': 1, 'water_box_status': 0, # 'fan_power': 102, 'dnd_enabled': 0, 'map_status': 3, 'lock_status': 0}] # Example of S7 in charging mode # new items: is_locating, water_box_mode, water_box_carriage_status, # mop_forbidden_enable, adbumper_status, water_shortage_status, # dock_type, dust_collection_status, auto_dust_collection, mop_mode, debug_mode # # [{'msg_ver': 2, 'msg_seq': 1839, 'state': 8, 'battery': 100, # 'clean_time': 2311, 'clean_area': 35545000, 'error_code': 0, # 'map_present': 1, 'in_cleaning': 0, 'in_returning': 0, # 'in_fresh_state': 1, 'lab_status': 3, 'water_box_status': 1, # 'fan_power': 102, 'dnd_enabled': 0, 'map_status': 3, 'is_locating': 0, # 'lock_status': 0, 'water_box_mode': 202, 'water_box_carriage_status': 0, # 'mop_forbidden_enable': 0, 'adbumper_status': [0, 0, 0], # 'water_shortage_status': 0, 'dock_type': 0, 'dust_collection_status': 0, # 'auto_dust_collection': 1, 'mop_mode': 300, 'debug_mode': 0}] = data @property @sensor("State code", entity_category="diagnostic", enabled_default=False) def state_code(self) -> int: """State code as returned by the device.""" return int(["state"]) @property @sensor( "State", device_class="enum", entity_category="diagnostic", options=list(STATE_CODE_TO_STRING.values()), ) def state(self) -> str: """Human readable state description, see also :func:`state_code`.""" return STATE_CODE_TO_STRING.get( self.state_code, f"Unknown state (code: {self.state_code})" ) @property @sensor("Vacuum state", id=VacuumId.State) def vacuum_state(self) -> VacuumState: """Return vacuum state.""" return STATE_CODE_TO_VACUUMSTATE.get(self.state_code, VacuumState.Unknown) @property @sensor("Cleaning Progress", icon="mdi:progress-check", unit="%") def clean_percent(self) -> Optional[int]: """Return progress of the current clean.""" if "clean_percent" in return int(["clean_percent"]) return None @property @sensor( "Error code", icon="mdi:alert", entity_category="diagnostic", enabled_default=False, ) def error_code(self) -> int: """Error code as returned by the device.""" return int(["error_code"]) @property @sensor( "Error string", id=VacuumId.ErrorMessage, icon="mdi:alert", device_class="enum", options=list(ERROR_CODES.values()), entity_category="diagnostic", enabled_default=False, ) def error(self) -> str: """Human readable error description, see also :func:`error_code`.""" try: return ERROR_CODES[self.error_code] except KeyError: return "Definition missing for error %s" % self.error_code @property @sensor( "Dock error code", icon="mdi:alert", entity_category="diagnostic", enabled_default=False, ) def dock_error_code(self) -> Optional[int]: """Dock error status as returned by the device.""" if "dock_error_status" in return int(["dock_error_status"]) return None @property @sensor( "Dock error string", icon="mdi:alert", device_class="enum", options=list(dock_error_codes.values()), entity_category="diagnostic", enabled_default=False, ) def dock_error(self) -> Optional[str]: """Human readable dock error description, see also :func:`dock_error_code`.""" if self.dock_error_code is None: return None try: return dock_error_codes[self.dock_error_code] except KeyError: return "Definition missing for dock error %s" % self.dock_error_code @property @sensor("Battery", unit="%", device_class="battery", id=VacuumId.Battery) def battery(self) -> int: """Remaining battery in percentage.""" return int(["battery"]) @property @setting( "Fan speed", unit="%", setter_name="set_fan_speed", min_value=0, max_value=100, step=1, icon="mdi:fan", ) def fanspeed(self) -> Optional[int]: """Current fan speed.""" fan_power = int(["fan_power"]) if fan_power > 100: # values 100+ are reserved for presets return None return fan_power @property @setting( "Fanspeed preset", choices_attribute="fan_speed_presets", setter_name="set_fan_speed_preset", icon="mdi:fan", id=VacuumId.FanSpeedPreset, ) def fan_speed_preset(self): return["fan_power"] @property @setting( "Mop scrub intensity", choices=MopIntensity, setter_name="set_mop_intensity", icon="mdi:checkbox-multiple-blank-circle-outline", ) def mop_intensity(self) -> Optional[int]: """Current mop intensity.""" if "water_box_mode" in return int(["water_box_mode"]) return None @property @setting( "Mop route", choices=MopMode, setter_name="set_mop_mode", icon="mdi:swap-horizontal-variant", ) def mop_route(self) -> Optional[int]: """Current mop route.""" if "mop_mode" in return int(["mop_mode"]) return None @property @sensor( "Current clean duration", unit="s", icon="mdi:timer-sand", device_class="duration", ) def clean_time(self) -> timedelta: """Time used for cleaning (if finished, shows how long it took).""" return pretty_seconds(["clean_time"]) @property @sensor( "Current clean area", unit="m²", icon="mdi:texture-box", suggested_display_precision=2, ) def clean_area(self) -> float: """Cleaned area in m2.""" return pretty_area(["clean_area"]) @property def map(self) -> bool: """Map token.""" return bool(["map_present"]) @property @setting( "Current map", choices_attribute="_map_enum", setter_name="load_map", icon="mdi:floor-plan", ) def current_map_id(self) -> Optional[int]: """The id of the current map with regards to the multi map feature, [3,7,11,15] -> [0,1,2,3]. """ try: return int((["map_status"] + 1) / 4 - 1) except KeyError: return None @property def in_zone_cleaning(self) -> bool: """Return True if the vacuum is in zone cleaning mode.""" return["in_cleaning"] == 2 @property def in_segment_cleaning(self) -> bool: """Return True if the vacuum is in segment cleaning mode.""" return["in_cleaning"] == 3 @property def is_paused(self) -> bool: """Return True if vacuum is paused.""" return self.state_code == 10 @property def is_on(self) -> bool: """True if device is currently cleaning in any mode.""" return ( self.state_code == 5 or self.state_code == 7 or self.state_code == 11 or self.state_code == 17 or self.state_code == 18 ) @property @sensor("Water box attached", icon="mdi:cup-water") def is_water_box_attached(self) -> Optional[bool]: """Return True is water box is installed.""" if "water_box_status" in return["water_box_status"] == 1 return None @property @sensor("Mop attached") def is_water_box_carriage_attached(self) -> Optional[bool]: """Return True if water box carriage (mop) is installed, None if sensor not present.""" if "water_box_carriage_status" in return["water_box_carriage_status"] == 1 return None @property @sensor("Water level low", device_class="problem", icon="mdi:water-alert-outline") def is_water_shortage(self) -> Optional[bool]: """Returns True if water is low in the tank, None if sensor not present.""" if "water_shortage_status" in return["water_shortage_status"] == 1 return None @property @setting( "Auto dust collection", setter_name="set_dust_collection", icon="mdi:turbine", entity_category="config", ) def auto_dust_collection(self) -> Optional[bool]: """Returns True if auto dust collection is enabled, None if sensor not present.""" if "auto_dust_collection" in return["auto_dust_collection"] == 1 return None @property @sensor( "Error", entity_category="diagnostic", device_class="problem", enabled_default=False, ) def got_error(self) -> bool: """True if an error has occurred.""" return self.error_code != 0 @property @sensor( "Mop is drying", icon="mdi:tumble-dryer", entity_category="diagnostic", enabled_default=False, device_class="heat", ) def is_mop_drying(self) -> Optional[bool]: """Return if mop drying is running.""" if "dry_status" in return["dry_status"] == 1 return None @property @sensor( "Dryer remaining seconds", unit="s", entity_category="diagnostic", device_class="duration", enabled_default=False, ) def mop_dryer_remaining_seconds(self) -> Optional[timedelta]: """Return remaining mop drying seconds.""" if "rdt" in return pretty_seconds(["rdt"]) return None
[docs] class CleaningSummary(DeviceStatus): """Contains summarized information about available cleaning runs.""" def __init__(self, data: Union[List[Any], Dict[str, Any]]) -> None: # total duration, total area, amount of cleans # [ list, of, ids ] # { "result": [ 174145, 2410150000, 82, # [ 1488240000, 1488153600, 1488067200, 1487980800, # 1487894400, 1487808000, 1487548800 ] ], # "id": 1 } # newer models return a dict if isinstance(data, list): = { "clean_time": data[0], "clean_area": data[1], "clean_count": data[2], } if len(data) > 3:["records"] = data[3] else: = data if "records" not in["records"] = [] @property @sensor( "Total clean duration", unit="s", icon="mdi:timer-sand", device_class="duration", entity_category="diagnostic", ) def total_duration(self) -> timedelta: """Total cleaning duration.""" return pretty_seconds(["clean_time"]) @property @sensor( "Total clean area", unit="m²", icon="mdi:texture-box", entity_category="diagnostic", suggested_display_precision=2, ) def total_area(self) -> float: """Total cleaned area.""" return pretty_area(["clean_area"]) @property @sensor( "Total clean count", icon="mdi:counter", state_class="total_increasing", entity_category="diagnostic", ) def count(self) -> int: """Number of cleaning runs.""" return int(["clean_count"]) @property def ids(self) -> List[int]: """A list of available cleaning IDs, see also :class:`CleaningDetails`.""" return list(["records"]) @property @sensor( "Total dust collection count", icon="mdi:counter", state_class="total_increasing", entity_category="diagnostic", ) def dust_collection_count(self) -> Optional[int]: """Total number of dust collections.""" if "dust_collection_count" in return int(["dust_collection_count"]) else: return None
[docs] class CleaningDetails(DeviceStatus): """Contains details about a specific cleaning run.""" def __init__(self, data: Union[List[Any], Dict[str, Any]]) -> None: # start, end, duration, area, unk, complete # { "result": [ [ 1488347071, 1488347123, 16, 0, 0, 0 ] ], "id": 1 } # newer models return a dict if isinstance(data, list): = { "begin": data[0], "end": data[1], "duration": data[2], "area": data[3], "error": data[4], "complete": data[5], } else: = data @property @sensor( "Last clean start", icon="mdi:clock-time-twelve", device_class="timestamp", entity_category="diagnostic", ) def start(self) -> datetime: """When cleaning was started.""" return pretty_time(["begin"]) @property @sensor( "Last clean end", icon="mdi:clock-time-twelve", device_class="timestamp", entity_category="diagnostic", ) def end(self) -> datetime: """When cleaning was finished.""" return pretty_time(["end"]) @property @sensor( "Last clean duration", unit="s", icon="mdi:timer-sand", device_class="duration", entity_category="diagnostic", ) def duration(self) -> timedelta: """Total duration of the cleaning run.""" return pretty_seconds(["duration"]) @property @sensor( "Last clean area", unit="m²", icon="mdi:texture-box", entity_category="diagnostic", suggested_display_precision=2, ) def area(self) -> float: """Total cleaned area.""" return pretty_area(["area"]) @property def map_id(self) -> int: """Map id used (multi map feature) during the cleaning run.""" return"map_flag", 0) @property def error_code(self) -> int: """Error code.""" return int(["error"]) @property def error(self) -> str: """Error state of this cleaning run.""" return ERROR_CODES[["error"]] @property def complete(self) -> bool: """Return True if the cleaning run was complete (e.g. without errors). see also :func:`error`. """ return["complete"] == 1
[docs] class ConsumableStatus(DeviceStatus): """Container for consumable status information, including information about brushes and duration until they should be changed. The methods returning time left are based on the following lifetimes: - Sensor cleanup time: XXX FIXME - Main brush: 300 hours - Side brush: 200 hours - Filter: 150 hours """ def __init__(self, data: Dict[str, Any]) -> None: # {'id': 1, 'result': [{'filter_work_time': 32454, # 'sensor_dirty_time': 3798, # 'side_brush_work_time': 32454, # 'main_brush_work_time': 32454}]} # TODO this should be generalized to allow different time limits = data self.main_brush_total = timedelta(hours=300) self.side_brush_total = timedelta(hours=200) self.filter_total = timedelta(hours=150) self.sensor_dirty_total = timedelta(hours=30) @property @sensor( "Main brush used", unit="s", icon="mdi:brush", device_class="duration", entity_category="diagnostic", enabled_default=False, ) def main_brush(self) -> timedelta: """Main brush usage time.""" return pretty_seconds(["main_brush_work_time"]) @property @sensor( "Main brush left", unit="s", icon="mdi:brush", device_class="duration", entity_category="diagnostic", ) def main_brush_left(self) -> timedelta: """How long until the main brush should be changed.""" return self.main_brush_total - self.main_brush @property @sensor( "Side brush used", unit="s", icon="mdi:brush", device_class="duration", entity_category="diagnostic", enabled_default=False, ) def side_brush(self) -> timedelta: """Side brush usage time.""" return pretty_seconds(["side_brush_work_time"]) @property @sensor( "Side brush left", unit="s", icon="mdi:brush", device_class="duration", entity_category="diagnostic", ) def side_brush_left(self) -> timedelta: """How long until the side brush should be changed.""" return self.side_brush_total - self.side_brush @property @sensor( "Filter used", unit="s", icon="mdi:air-filter", device_class="duration", entity_category="diagnostic", enabled_default=False, ) def filter(self) -> timedelta: """Filter usage time.""" return pretty_seconds(["filter_work_time"]) @property @sensor( "Filter left", unit="s", icon="mdi:air-filter", device_class="duration", entity_category="diagnostic", ) def filter_left(self) -> timedelta: """How long until the filter should be changed.""" return self.filter_total - self.filter @property @sensor( "Sensor dirty used", unit="s", icon="mdi:eye-outline", device_class="duration", entity_category="diagnostic", enabled_default=False, ) def sensor_dirty(self) -> timedelta: """Return ``sensor_dirty_time``""" return pretty_seconds(["sensor_dirty_time"]) @property @sensor( "Sensor dirty left", unit="s", icon="mdi:eye-outline", device_class="duration", entity_category="diagnostic", ) def sensor_dirty_left(self) -> timedelta: return self.sensor_dirty_total - self.sensor_dirty @property @sensor( "Dustbin times auto-empty used", icon="mdi:delete", entity_category="diagnostic", enabled_default=False, ) def dustbin_auto_empty_used(self) -> Optional[int]: """Return ``dust_collection_work_times``""" if "dust_collection_work_times" in return["dust_collection_work_times"] return None @property @sensor( "Strainer cleaned count", icon="mdi:air-filter", entity_category="diagnostic", enabled_default=False, ) def strainer_cleaned_count(self) -> Optional[int]: """Return strainer cleaned count.""" if "strainer_work_times" in return["strainer_work_times"] return None @property @sensor( "Cleaning brush cleaned count", icon="mdi:brush", entity_category="diagnostic", enabled_default=False, ) def cleaning_brush_cleaned_count(self) -> Optional[int]: """Return cleaning brush cleaned count.""" if "cleaning_brush_work_times" in return["cleaning_brush_work_times"] return None
[docs] class DNDStatus(DeviceStatus): """A container for the do-not-disturb status.""" def __init__(self, data: Dict[str, Any]): # {'end_minute': 0, 'enabled': 1, 'start_minute': 0, # 'start_hour': 22, 'end_hour': 8} = data @property @sensor("Do not disturb", icon="mdi:bell-cancel", entity_category="diagnostic") def enabled(self) -> bool: """True if DnD is enabled.""" return bool(["enabled"]) @property @sensor( "Do not disturb start", icon="mdi:bell-cancel", device_class="timestamp", entity_category="diagnostic", enabled_default=False, ) def start(self) -> time: """Start time of DnD.""" return time(["start_hour"],["start_minute"]) @property @sensor( "Do not disturb end", icon="mdi:bell-ring", device_class="timestamp", entity_category="diagnostic", enabled_default=False, ) def end(self) -> time: """End time of DnD.""" return time(["end_hour"],["end_minute"])
[docs] class Timer(DeviceStatus): """A container for scheduling. The timers are accessed using an integer ID, which is based on the unix timestamp of the creation time. """ def __init__(self, data: List[Any], timezone: BaseTzInfo) -> None: # id / timestamp, enabled, ['<cron string>', ['command', 'params'] # [['1488667794112', 'off', ['49 22 * * 6', ['start_clean', '']]], # ['1488667777661', 'off', ['49 21 * * 3,4,5,6', ['start_clean', '']] # ], = data self.timezone = timezone localized_ts = timezone.localize(self._now()) # Initialize croniter to cause an exception on invalid entries (#847) self.croniter = croniter(self.cron, start_time=localized_ts) self._next_schedule: Optional[datetime] = None @property def id(self) -> str: """Unique identifier for timer. Usually a unix timestamp of when the timer was created, but it is not guaranteed. For example, valetudo apparently allows using arbitrary strings for this. """ return[0] @property def ts(self) -> Optional[datetime]: """Timer creation time, if the id is a unix timestamp.""" try: return pretty_time(int([0]) / 1000) except ValueError: return None @property def enabled(self) -> bool: """True if the timer is active.""" return[1] == "on" @property def cron(self) -> str: """Cron-formated timer string.""" return str([2][0]) @property def action(self) -> str: """The action to be taken on the given time. Note, this seems to be always 'start'. """ return str([2][1]) @property def next_schedule(self) -> datetime: """Next schedule for the timer. Note, this value will not be updated after the Timer object has been created. """ if self._next_schedule is None: self._next_schedule = self.croniter.get_next(ret_type=datetime) return self._next_schedule @staticmethod def _now() -> datetime: return
[docs] class SoundStatus(DeviceStatus): """Container for sound status.""" def __init__(self, data): # {'sid_in_progress': 0, 'sid_in_use': 1004} = data @property def current(self): return["sid_in_use"] @property def being_installed(self): return["sid_in_progress"]
[docs] class SoundInstallState(IntEnum): Unknown = 0 Downloading = 1 Installing = 2 Installed = 3 Error = 4
[docs] class SoundInstallStatus(DeviceStatus): """Container for sound installation status.""" def __init__(self, data): # {'progress': 0, 'sid_in_progress': 0, 'state': 0, 'error': 0} # error 0 = no error # error 1 = unknown 1 # error 2 = download error # error 3 = checksum error # error 4 = unknown 4 = data @property def state(self) -> SoundInstallState: """Installation state.""" return SoundInstallState(["state"]) @property def progress(self) -> int: """Progress in percentages.""" return["progress"] @property def sid(self) -> int: """Sound ID for the sound being installed.""" # this is missing on install confirmation, so let's use get return"sid_in_progress") @property def error(self) -> int: """Error code, 0 is no error, other values unknown.""" return["error"] @property def is_installing(self) -> bool: """True if install is in progress.""" return ( self.state == SoundInstallState.Downloading or self.state == SoundInstallState.Installing ) @property def is_errored(self) -> bool: """True if the state has an error, use `error` to access it.""" return self.state == SoundInstallState.Error
[docs] class CarpetModeStatus(DeviceStatus): """Container for carpet mode status.""" def __init__(self, data): # {'current_high': 500, 'enable': 1, 'current_integral': 450, # 'current_low': 400, 'stall_time': 10} = data @property @sensor("Carpet mode") def enabled(self) -> bool: """True if carpet mode is enabled.""" return["enable"] == 1 @property def stall_time(self) -> int: return["stall_time"] @property def current_low(self) -> int: return["current_low"] @property def current_high(self) -> int: return["current_high"] @property def current_integral(self) -> int: return["current_integral"]
[docs] class MopDryerSettings(DeviceStatus): """Container for mop dryer add-on.""" def __init__(self, data: Dict[str, Any]): # {'status': 0, 'on': {'cliff_on': 1, 'cliff_off': 1, 'count': 10, 'dry_time': 10800}, # 'off': {'cliff_on': 2, 'cliff_off': 1, 'count': 10}} = data @property @setting( "Mop dryer enabled", setter_name="set_mop_dryer_enabled", icon="mdi:tumble-dryer", entity_category="config", enabled_default=False, ) def enabled(self) -> bool: """Return if mop dryer is enabled.""" return["status"] == 1 @property @setting( "Mop dry time", setter_name="set_mop_dryer_dry_time", icon="mdi:fan", unit="s", min_value=7200, max_value=14400, step=3600, entity_category="config", enabled_default=False, ) def dry_time(self) -> timedelta: """Return mop dry time.""" return pretty_seconds(["on"]["dry_time"])