Source code for miio.integrations.roborock.vacuum.vacuum_tui

    import curses

    curses_available = True
except ImportError:
    curses_available = False

import enum
from typing import Tuple

from .vacuum import RoborockVacuum as Vacuum

[docs] class Control(enum.Enum): Quit = "q" Forward = "w" ForwardFast = "W" Backward = "s" BackwardFast = "S" Left = "a" LeftFast = "A" Right = "d" RightFast = "D"
[docs] class VacuumTUI: def __init__(self, vac: Vacuum): if not curses_available: raise ImportError("curses library is not available") self.vac = vac self.rot = 0 self.rot_delta = 30 self.rot_min = Vacuum.MANUAL_ROTATION_MIN self.rot_max = Vacuum.MANUAL_ROTATION_MAX self.vel = 0.0 self.vel_delta = 0.1 self.vel_min = Vacuum.MANUAL_VELOCITY_MIN self.vel_max = Vacuum.MANUAL_VELOCITY_MAX self.dur = 10 * 1000
[docs] def run(self) -> None: self.vac.manual_start() try: curses.wrapper(self.main) finally: self.vac.manual_stop()
[docs] def main(self, screen) -> None: screen.addstr("Use wasd to control the device.\n") screen.addstr("Hold shift to enable fast mode.\n") screen.addstr("Press q to quit.\n") screen.refresh() self.loop(screen)
[docs] def loop(self, win) -> None: done = False while not done: key = win.getkey() text, done = self.handle_key(key) win.clear() win.addstr(text) win.refresh()
[docs] def handle_key(self, key: str) -> Tuple[str, bool]: try: ctl = Control(key) except ValueError as e: return f"Ignoring {key}: {e}.\n", False done = self.dispatch_control(ctl) return, done
[docs] def dispatch_control(self, ctl: Control) -> bool: if ctl == Control.Quit: return True if ctl == Control.Forward: self.vel = min(self.vel + self.vel_delta, self.vel_max) elif ctl == Control.ForwardFast: self.vel = 0 if self.vel < 0 else self.vel_max elif ctl == Control.Backward: self.vel = max(self.vel - self.vel_delta, self.vel_min) elif ctl == Control.BackwardFast: self.vel = 0 if self.vel > 0 else self.vel_min elif ctl == Control.Left: self.rot = min(self.rot + self.rot_delta, self.rot_max) elif ctl == Control.LeftFast: self.rot = 0 if self.rot < 0 else self.rot_max elif ctl == Control.Right: self.rot = max(self.rot - self.rot_delta, self.rot_min) elif ctl == Control.RightFast: self.rot = 0 if self.rot > 0 else self.rot_min self.vac.manual_control(rotation=self.rot, velocity=self.vel, duration=self.dur) return False
[docs] def info(self) -> str: return f"Rotation={self.rot}\nVelocity={self.vel}\n"