Source code for miio.integrations.roborock.vacuum.vacuum_cli

import ast
import contextlib
import json
import logging
import pathlib
import sys
import threading
import time
from pprint import pformat as pf
from typing import Any, List  # noqa: F401

import click
from appdirs import user_cache_dir
from tqdm import tqdm

from miio.click_common import (
from miio.device import Device, UpdateState
from miio.exceptions import DeviceInfoUnavailableException
from miio.miioprotocol import MiIOProtocol
from miio.updater import OneShotServer

from .vacuum import CarpetCleaningMode, Consumable, RoborockVacuum, TimerState
from .vacuum_tui import VacuumTUI

from miio.discovery import Discovery

_LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)
pass_dev = click.make_pass_decorator(Device, ensure=True)

def _read_config(file):
    """Return sequence id information."""
    config = {"seq": 0, "manual_seq": 0}
    with contextlib.suppress(FileNotFoundError, TypeError, ValueError), open(file) as f:
        config = json.load(f)

    return config, cls=ExceptionHandlerGroup)
@click.option("--ip", envvar="MIROBO_IP", callback=validate_ip)
@click.option("--token", envvar="MIROBO_TOKEN", callback=validate_token)
@click.option("-d", "--debug", default=False, count=True)
    type=click.Path(dir_okay=False, writable=True),
    default=user_cache_dir("python-miio") + "/python-mirobo.seq",
def cli(ctx, ip: str, token: str, debug: int, id_file: str):
    """A tool to command Xiaomi Vacuum robot."""
    if debug:
        logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG)"Debug mode active")

    # if we are scanning, we do not try to connect.
    if ctx.invoked_subcommand == "discover":
        ctx.obj = "discover"

    if ip is None or token is None:
        click.echo("You have to give ip and token!")

    config = _read_config(id_file)

    start_id = config["seq"]
    manual_seq = config["manual_seq"]
    _LOGGER.debug("Using config: %s", config)

    vac = RoborockVacuum(ip, token, start_id, debug)

    vac.manual_seqnum = manual_seq
    _LOGGER.debug("Connecting to %s with token %s", ip, token)

    ctx.obj = vac

    if ctx.invoked_subcommand is None:
        cleanup(vac, id_file=id_file)

[docs] @cli.result_callback() @pass_dev def cleanup(vac: RoborockVacuum, *args, **kwargs): if vac.ip is None: # dummy Device for discovery, skip teardown return id_file = kwargs["id_file"] seqs = {"seq": vac.raw_id, "manual_seq": vac.manual_seqnum} _LOGGER.debug("Writing %s to %s", seqs, id_file) path_obj = pathlib.Path(id_file) dir = path_obj.parents[0] dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) with open(id_file, "w") as f: json.dump(seqs, f)
@cli.command() @click.option("--handshake", type=bool, default=False) def discover(handshake): """Search for robots in the network.""" if handshake: else: Discovery.discover_mdns() @cli.command() @pass_dev def status(vac: RoborockVacuum): """Returns the state information.""" res = vac.status() if not res: return # bail out if res.error_code: click.echo("Error: %s !" % res.error, bold=True, fg="red")) if res.is_water_shortage: click.echo("Water is running low!", bold=True, fg="blue")) click.echo("State: %s" % res.state, bold=True)) click.echo("Battery: %s %%" % res.battery) click.echo("Fanspeed: %s %%" % res.fanspeed) click.echo("Cleaning since: %s" % res.clean_time) click.echo("Cleaned area: %s m²" % res.clean_area) click.echo("Water box attached: %s" % res.is_water_box_attached) if res.is_water_box_carriage_attached is not None: click.echo("Mop attached: %s" % res.is_water_box_carriage_attached) @cli.command() @pass_dev def consumables(vac: RoborockVacuum): """Return consumables status.""" res = vac.consumable_status() click.echo(f"Main brush: {res.main_brush} (left {res.main_brush_left})") click.echo(f"Side brush: {res.side_brush} (left {res.side_brush_left})") click.echo(f"Filter: {res.filter} (left {res.filter_left})") click.echo(f"Sensor dirty: {res.sensor_dirty} (left {res.sensor_dirty_left})") @cli.command() @click.argument("name", type=str, required=True) @pass_dev def reset_consumable(vac: RoborockVacuum, name): """Reset consumable state. Allowed values: main_brush, side_brush, filter, sensor_dirty """ if name == "main_brush": consumable = Consumable.MainBrush elif name == "side_brush": consumable = Consumable.SideBrush elif name == "filter": consumable = Consumable.Filter elif name == "sensor_dirty": consumable = Consumable.SensorDirty else: click.echo("Unexpected state name: %s" % name) return click.echo(f"Resetting consumable {name!r}: {vac.consumable_reset(consumable)}") @cli.command() @pass_dev def start(vac: RoborockVacuum): """Start cleaning.""" click.echo("Starting cleaning: %s" % vac.start()) @cli.command() @pass_dev def spot(vac: RoborockVacuum): """Start spot cleaning.""" click.echo("Starting spot cleaning: %s" % @cli.command() @pass_dev def pause(vac: RoborockVacuum): """Pause cleaning.""" click.echo("Pausing: %s" % vac.pause()) @cli.command() @pass_dev def stop(vac: RoborockVacuum): """Stop cleaning.""" click.echo("Stop cleaning: %s" % vac.stop()) @cli.command() @pass_dev def home(vac: RoborockVacuum): """Return home.""" click.echo("Requesting return to home: %s" % vac.home()) @cli.command() @pass_dev @click.argument("x_coord", type=int) @click.argument("y_coord", type=int) def goto(vac: RoborockVacuum, x_coord: int, y_coord: int): """Go to specific target.""" click.echo("Going to target : %s" % vac.goto(x_coord, y_coord)) @cli.command() @pass_dev @click.argument("zones", type=LiteralParamType(), required=True) def zoned_clean(vac: RoborockVacuum, zones: List): """Clean zone.""" click.echo("Cleaning zone(s) : %s" % vac.zoned_clean(zones)) @pass_dev # @click.argument('command', required=False) def manual(vac: RoborockVacuum): """Control the robot manually.""" command = "" if command == "start": click.echo("Starting manual control") return vac.manual_start() if command == "stop": click.echo("Stopping manual control") return vac.manual_stop() # if not vac.manual_mode and command : @manual.command() @pass_dev def tui(vac: RoborockVacuum): """TUI for the manual mode.""" VacuumTUI(vac).run() @manual.command(name="start") @pass_dev def manual_start(vac: RoborockVacuum): # noqa: F811 # redef of start """Activate the manual mode.""" click.echo("Activating manual controls") return vac.manual_start() @manual.command(name="stop") @pass_dev def manual_stop(vac: RoborockVacuum): # noqa: F811 # redef of stop """Deactivate the manual mode.""" click.echo("Deactivating manual controls") return vac.manual_stop() @manual.command() @pass_dev @click.argument("degrees", type=int) def left(vac: RoborockVacuum, degrees: int): """Turn to left.""" click.echo("Turning %s degrees left" % degrees) return vac.manual_control(degrees, 0) @manual.command() @pass_dev @click.argument("degrees", type=int) def right(vac: RoborockVacuum, degrees: int): """Turn to right.""" click.echo("Turning right") return vac.manual_control(-degrees, 0) @manual.command() @click.argument("amount", type=float) @pass_dev def forward(vac: RoborockVacuum, amount: float): """Run forwards.""" click.echo("Moving forwards") return vac.manual_control(0, amount) @manual.command() @click.argument("amount", type=float) @pass_dev def backward(vac: RoborockVacuum, amount: float): """Run backwards.""" click.echo("Moving backwards") return vac.manual_control(0, -amount) @manual.command() @pass_dev @click.argument("rotation", type=float) @click.argument("velocity", type=float) @click.argument("duration", type=int) def move(vac: RoborockVacuum, rotation: int, velocity: float, duration: int): """Pass raw manual values.""" return vac.manual_control(rotation, velocity, duration) @cli.command() @click.argument("cmd", required=False) @click.argument("start_hr", type=int, required=False) @click.argument("start_min", type=int, required=False) @click.argument("end_hr", type=int, required=False) @click.argument("end_min", type=int, required=False) @pass_dev def dnd( vac: RoborockVacuum, cmd: str, start_hr: int, start_min: int, end_hr: int, end_min: int, ): """Query and adjust do-not-disturb mode.""" if cmd == "off": click.echo("Disabling DND..") click.echo(vac.disable_dnd()) elif cmd == "on": click.echo(f"Enabling DND {start_hr}:{start_min} to {end_hr}:{end_min}") click.echo(vac.set_dnd(start_hr, start_min, end_hr, end_min)) else: x = vac.dnd_status() click.echo( f"Between {x.start} and {x.end} (enabled: {x.enabled})", bold=x.enabled, ) ) @cli.command() @click.argument("speed", type=int, required=False) @pass_dev def fanspeed(vac: RoborockVacuum, speed): """Query and adjust the fan speed.""" if speed: click.echo("Setting fan speed to %s" % speed) vac.set_fan_speed(speed) else: click.echo("Current fan speed: %s" % vac.fan_speed()) @pass_dev @click.pass_context def timer(ctx, vac: RoborockVacuum): """List and modify existing timers.""" if ctx.invoked_subcommand is not None: return timers = vac.timer() click.echo("Timezone: %s\n" % vac.timezone()) for idx, timer in enumerate(timers): color = "green" if timer.enabled else "yellow" click.echo( f"Timer #{idx}, id {} (ts: {timer.ts})", bold=True, fg=color, ) ) click.echo(" %s" % timer.cron) min, hr, x, y, days = timer.cron.split(" ") cron = f"{min} {hr} {x} {y} {days}" click.echo(" %s" % cron) @timer.command() @click.option("--cron") @click.option("--command", default="", required=False) @click.option("--params", default="", required=False) @pass_dev def add(vac: RoborockVacuum, cron, command, params): """Add a timer.""" click.echo(vac.add_timer(cron, command, params)) @timer.command() @click.argument("timer_id", type=int, required=True) @pass_dev def delete(vac: RoborockVacuum, timer_id): """Delete a timer.""" click.echo(vac.delete_timer(timer_id)) @timer.command() @click.argument("timer_id", type=int, required=True) @click.option("--enable", is_flag=True) @click.option("--disable", is_flag=True) @pass_dev def update(vac: RoborockVacuum, timer_id, enable, disable): """Enable/disable a timer.""" if enable and not disable: vac.update_timer(timer_id, TimerState.On) elif disable and not enable: vac.update_timer(timer_id, TimerState.Off) else: click.echo("You need to specify either --enable or --disable") @cli.command() @pass_dev def find(vac: RoborockVacuum): """Find the robot.""" click.echo("Sending find the robot calls.") click.echo(vac.find()) @cli.command() @pass_dev def map(vac: RoborockVacuum): """Return the map token.""" click.echo( @cli.command() @pass_dev def info(vac: RoborockVacuum): """Return device information.""" try: res = click.echo("%s" % res) _LOGGER.debug("Full response: %s", pf(res.raw)) except DeviceInfoUnavailableException: click.echo( "Unable to fetch info, this can happen when the vacuum " "is not connected to the Xiaomi cloud." ) @cli.command() @pass_dev def cleaning_history(vac: RoborockVacuum): """Query the cleaning history.""" res = vac.clean_history() click.echo("Total clean count: %s" % res.count) click.echo(f"Cleaned for: {res.total_duration} (area: {res.total_area} m²)") if res.dust_collection_count is not None: click.echo("Emptied dust collection bin: %s times" % res.dust_collection_count) click.echo() for idx, id_ in enumerate(res.ids): details = vac.clean_details(id_, return_list=False) color = "green" if details.complete else "yellow" click.echo( "Clean #%s: %s-%s (complete: %s, error: %s)" % (idx, details.start, details.end, details.complete, details.error), bold=True, fg=color, ) ) click.echo(" Area cleaned: %s m²" % details.area) click.echo(" Duration: (%s)" % details.duration) click.echo() @cli.command() @click.argument("volume", type=int, required=False) @click.option("--test", "test_mode", is_flag=True, help="play a test tune") @pass_dev def sound(vac: RoborockVacuum, volume: int, test_mode: bool): """Query and change sound settings.""" if volume is not None: click.echo("Setting sound volume to %s" % volume) vac.set_sound_volume(volume) if test_mode: vac.test_sound_volume() click.echo("Current sound: %s" % vac.sound_info()) click.echo("Current volume: %s" % vac.sound_volume()) click.echo("Install progress: %s" % vac.sound_install_progress()) @cli.command() @click.argument("url") @click.argument("md5sum", required=False, default=None) @click.option("--sid", type=int, required=False, default=10000) @click.option("--ip", required=False) @pass_dev def install_sound(vac: RoborockVacuum, url: str, md5sum: str, sid: int, ip: str): """Install a sound. When passing a local file this will create a self-hosting server for the given file and the md5sum will be calculated automatically. For URLs you have to specify the md5sum manually. `--ip` can be used to override automatically detected IP address for the device to contact for the update. """ click.echo(f"Installing from {url} (md5: {md5sum}) for id {sid}") local_url = None server = None if url.startswith("http"): if md5sum is None: click.echo("You need to pass md5 when using URL for updating.") return local_url = url else: server = OneShotServer(url) local_url = server.url(ip) md5sum = server.md5 t = threading.Thread(target=server.serve_once) t.start() click.echo("Hosting file at %s" % local_url) click.echo(vac.install_sound(local_url, md5sum, sid)) progress = vac.sound_install_progress() while progress.is_installing: progress = vac.sound_install_progress() click.echo(f"{} ({progress.progress} %)") time.sleep(1) progress = vac.sound_install_progress() if progress.is_errored: click.echo("Error during installation: %s" % progress.error) else: click.echo("Installation of sid '%s' complete!" % sid) if server is not None: t.join() @cli.command() @pass_dev def serial_number(vac: RoborockVacuum): """Query serial number.""" click.echo("Serial#: %s" % vac.serial_number()) @cli.command() @click.argument("tz", required=False) @pass_dev def timezone(vac: RoborockVacuum, tz=None): """Query or set the timezone.""" if tz is not None: click.echo("Setting timezone to: %s" % tz) click.echo(vac.set_timezone(tz)) else: click.echo("Timezone: %s" % vac.timezone()) @cli.command() @click.argument("enabled", required=False, type=bool) @pass_dev def carpet_mode(vac: RoborockVacuum, enabled=None): """Query or set the carpet mode.""" if enabled is None: click.echo(vac.carpet_mode()) else: click.echo(vac.set_carpet_mode(enabled)) @cli.command() @click.argument("mode", required=False, type=str) @pass_dev def carpet_cleaning_mode(vac: RoborockVacuum, mode=None): """Query or set the carpet cleaning/avoidance mode. Allowed values: Avoid, Rise, Ignore """ if mode is None: click.echo("Carpet cleaning mode: %s" % vac.carpet_cleaning_mode()) else: click.echo( "Setting carpet cleaning mode: %s" % vac.set_carpet_cleaning_mode(CarpetCleaningMode[mode]) ) @cli.command() @click.argument("ssid", required=True) @click.argument("password", required=True) @click.argument("uid", type=int, required=False) @click.option("--timezone", type=str, required=False, default=None) @pass_dev def configure_wifi( vac: RoborockVacuum, ssid: str, password: str, uid: int, timezone: str ): """Configure the wifi settings. Note that some newer firmwares may expect you to define the timezone by using --timezone. """ click.echo("Configuring wifi to SSID: %s" % ssid) click.echo(vac.configure_wifi(ssid, password, uid, timezone)) @cli.command() @pass_dev def update_status(vac: RoborockVacuum): """Return update state and progress.""" update_state = vac.update_state() click.echo("Update state: %s" % update_state) if update_state == UpdateState.Downloading: click.echo("Update progress: %s" % vac.update_progress()) @cli.command() @click.argument("url", required=True) @click.argument("md5", required=False, default=None) @click.option("--ip", required=False) @pass_dev def update_firmware(vac: RoborockVacuum, url: str, md5: str, ip: str): """Update device firmware. If `url` starts with http* it is expected to be an URL. In that case md5sum of the file has to be given. `--ip` can be used to override automatically detected IP address for the device to contact for the update. """ # TODO Check that the device is in updateable state. click.echo("Going to update from %s" % url) if url.lower().startswith("http"): if md5 is None: click.echo("You need to pass md5 when using URL for updating.") return click.echo(f"Using {url} (md5: {md5})") else: server = OneShotServer(url) url = server.url(ip) t = threading.Thread(target=server.serve_once) t.start() click.echo("Hosting file at %s" % url) md5 = server.md5 update_res = vac.update(url, md5) if update_res: click.echo("Update started!") else: click.echo("Starting the update failed: %s" % update_res) with tqdm(total=100) as pbar: state = vac.update_state() while state == UpdateState.Downloading: try: state = vac.update_state() progress = vac.update_progress() except: # noqa # nosec # we may not get our messages through during uploads continue if state == UpdateState.Installing: click.echo("Installation started, please wait until the vacuum reboots") break pbar.update(progress - pbar.n) pbar.set_description("%s" % time.sleep(1) @cli.command() @click.argument("cmd", required=True) @click.argument("parameters", required=False) @pass_dev def raw_command(vac: RoborockVacuum, cmd, parameters): """Run a raw command.""" params = [] # type: Any if parameters: params = ast.literal_eval(parameters) click.echo(f"Sending cmd {cmd} with params {params}") click.echo(vac.raw_command(cmd, params)) if __name__ == "__main__": cli()