Source code for miio.integrations.lumi.gateway.gateway

"""Xiaomi Gateway implementation using Miio protecol."""

import logging
import os
import sys
from typing import Callable, Dict, List, Optional

import click
import yaml

from miio import Device, DeviceError, DeviceException
from miio.click_common import command

from .alarm import Alarm
from .light import Light
from .radio import Radio
from .zigbee import Zigbee

_LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

GATEWAY_MODEL_CHINA = "lumi.gateway.v3"
GATEWAY_MODEL_EU = "lumi.gateway.mieu01"
GATEWAY_MODEL_ZIG3 = "lumi.gateway.mgl03"
GATEWAY_MODEL_AQARA = "lumi.gateway.aqhm01"
GATEWAY_MODEL_AC_V1 = "lumi.acpartner.v1"
GATEWAY_MODEL_AC_V2 = "lumi.acpartner.v2"
GATEWAY_MODEL_AC_V3 = "lumi.acpartner.v3"


GatewayCallback = Callable[[str, str], None]

from .devices import SubDevice, SubDeviceInfo  # noqa: E402 isort:skip

[docs] class Gateway(Device): """Main class representing the Xiaomi Gateway. Use the given property getters to access specific functionalities such as `alarm` (for alarm controls) or `light` (for lights). Commands whose functionality or parameters are unknown, feel free to implement! * toggle_device * toggle_plug * remove_all_bind * list_bind [0] * bind_page * bind * remove_bind * self.get_prop("used_for_public") # Return the 'used_for_public' status, return value: [0] or [1], probably this has to do with developer mode. * self.set_prop("used_for_public", state) # Set the 'used_for_public' state, value: 0 or 1, probably this has to do with developer mode. * welcome * set_curtain_level * get_corridor_on_time * set_corridor_light ["off"] * get_corridor_light -> "on" * set_default_sound * set_doorbell_push, get_doorbell_push ["off"] * set_doorbell_volume [100], get_doorbell_volume * set_gateway_volume, get_gateway_volume * set_clock_volume * set_clock * get_sys_data * update_neighbor_token [{"did":x, "token":x, "ip":x}] ## property getters * ctrl_device_prop * get_device_prop_exp [[sid, list, of, properties]] ## scene * get_lumi_bind ["scene", <page number>] for rooms/devices """ _supported_models = SUPPORTED_MODELS def __init__( self, ip: Optional[str] = None, token: Optional[str] = None, start_id: int = 0, debug: int = 0, lazy_discover: bool = True, timeout: Optional[int] = None, *, model: Optional[str] = None, push_server=None, ) -> None: super().__init__( ip, token, start_id, debug, lazy_discover, timeout=timeout, model=model ) self._alarm = Alarm(parent=self) self._radio = Radio(parent=self) self._zigbee = Zigbee(parent=self) self._light = Light(parent=self) self._devices: Dict[str, SubDevice] = {} self._info = None self._subdevice_model_map = None self._push_server = push_server self._event_ids: List[str] = [] self._registered_callbacks: Dict[str, GatewayCallback] = {} if self._push_server is not None: self._push_server.register_miio_device(self, self.push_callback) def _get_unknown_model(self): for model_info in self.subdevice_model_map: if model_info.get("type_id") == -1: return model_info @property def alarm(self) -> Alarm: """Return alarm control interface.""" # example: gateway.alarm.on() return self._alarm @property def radio(self) -> Radio: """Return radio control interface.""" return self._radio @property def zigbee(self) -> Zigbee: """Return zigbee control interface.""" return self._zigbee @property def light(self) -> Light: """Return light control interface.""" return self._light @property def devices(self): """Return a dict of the already discovered devices.""" return self._devices @property def mac(self): """Return the mac address of the gateway.""" if self._info is None: self._info = return self._info.mac_address @property def subdevice_model_map(self): """Return the subdevice model map.""" if self._subdevice_model_map is None: subdevice_file = os.path.dirname(__file__) + "/devices/subdevices.yaml" with open(subdevice_file) as filedata: self._subdevice_model_map = yaml.safe_load(filedata) return self._subdevice_model_map
[docs] @command() def discover_devices(self): """Discovers SubDevices and returns a list of the discovered devices.""" self._devices = {} # Skip the models which do not support getting the device list if self.model == GATEWAY_MODEL_EU: _LOGGER.warning( "Gateway model '%s' does not (yet) support getting the device list, " "try using the get_devices_from_dict function with micloud", self.model, ) return self._devices if self.model == GATEWAY_MODEL_ZIG3: # self.get_prop("device_list") does not work for the GATEWAY_MODEL_ZIG3 # self.send("get_device_list") does work for the GATEWAY_MODEL_ZIG3 but gives slightly diffrent return values devices_raw = self.send("get_device_list") if not isinstance(devices_raw, list): _LOGGER.debug( "Gateway response to 'get_device_list' not a list type, no zigbee devices connected." ) return self._devices for device in devices_raw: # Match 'model' to get the model_info model_info = self.match_zigbee_model(device["model"], device["did"]) # Extract discovered information dev_info = SubDeviceInfo( device["did"], model_info["type_id"], -1, -1, -1 ) # Setup the device self.setup_device(dev_info, model_info) else: devices_raw = self.get_prop("device_list") for x in range(0, len(devices_raw), 5): # Extract discovered information dev_info = SubDeviceInfo(*devices_raw[x : x + 5]) # Match 'type_id' to get the model_info model_info = self.match_type_id(dev_info.type_id, dev_info.sid) # Setup the device self.setup_device(dev_info, model_info) return self._devices
def _get_device_by_did(self, device_dict, device_did): """Get a device by its did from a device dict.""" for device in device_dict: if device["did"] == device_did: return device return None
[docs] @command() def get_devices_from_dict(self, device_dict): """Get SubDevices from a dict containing at least "mac", "did", "parent_id" and "model". This dict can be obtained with the micloud package: """ self._devices = {} # find the gateway gateway = self._get_device_by_did(device_dict, str(self.device_id)) if gateway is None: _LOGGER.error( "Could not find gateway with ip '%s', mac '%s', did '%i', model '%s' in the cloud device list response", self.ip, self.mac, self.device_id, self.model, ) return self._devices if gateway["mac"] != self.mac: _LOGGER.error( "Mac and device id of gateway with ip '%s', mac '%s', did '%i', model '%s' did not match in the cloud device list response", self.ip, self.mac, self.device_id, self.model, ) return self._devices # find the subdevices belonging to this gateway for device in device_dict: if device.get("parent_id") != str(self.device_id): continue # Match 'model' to get the type_id model_info = self.match_zigbee_model(device["model"], device["did"]) # Extract discovered information dev_info = SubDeviceInfo(device["did"], model_info["type_id"], -1, -1, -1) # Setup the device self.setup_device(dev_info, model_info) return self._devices
[docs] @command(click.argument("zigbee_model", "sid")) def match_zigbee_model(self, zigbee_model, sid): """Match the zigbee_model to obtain the model_info.""" for model_info in self.subdevice_model_map: if model_info.get("zigbee_id") == zigbee_model: return model_info _LOGGER.warning( "Unknown subdevice discovered, could not match zigbee_model '%s' " "of subdevice sid '%s' from Xiaomi gateway with ip: %s", zigbee_model, sid, self.ip, ) return self._get_unknown_model()
[docs] @command(click.argument("type_id", "sid")) def match_type_id(self, type_id, sid): """Match the type_id to obtain the model_info.""" for model_info in self.subdevice_model_map: if model_info.get("type_id") == type_id: return model_info _LOGGER.warning( "Unknown subdevice discovered, could not match type_id '%i' " "of subdevice sid '%s' from Xiaomi gateway with ip: %s", type_id, sid, self.ip, ) return self._get_unknown_model()
[docs] @command(click.argument("dev_info", "model_info")) def setup_device(self, dev_info, model_info): """Setup a device using the SubDeviceInfo and model_info.""" if model_info.get("type") == "Gateway": # ignore the gateway itself return # Obtain the correct subdevice class # TODO: is there a better way to obtain this information? subdevice_cls = getattr( sys.modules["miio.integrations.lumi.gateway.devices"], model_info.get("class"), ) if subdevice_cls is None: subdevice_cls = SubDevice "Gateway device type '%s' " "does not have device specific methods defined, " "only basic default methods will be available", model_info.get("type"), ) # Initialize and save the subdevice self._devices[dev_info.sid] = subdevice_cls(self, dev_info, model_info) if self._devices[dev_info.sid].status == {}: "Discovered subdevice type '%s', has no device specific properties defined, " "this device has not been fully implemented yet (model: %s, name: %s).", model_info.get("type"), self._devices[dev_info.sid].model, self._devices[dev_info.sid].name, ) return self._devices[dev_info.sid]
[docs] @command(click.argument("property")) def get_prop(self, property): """Get the value of a property for given sid.""" return self.send("get_device_prop", ["lumi.0", property])
[docs] @command(click.argument("properties", nargs=-1)) def get_prop_exp(self, properties): """Get the value of a bunch of properties for given sid.""" return self.send("get_device_prop_exp", [["lumi.0"] + list(properties)])
[docs] @command(click.argument("property"), click.argument("value")) def set_prop(self, property, value): """Set the device property.""" return self.send("set_device_prop", {"sid": "lumi.0", property: value})
[docs] @command() def clock(self): """Alarm clock.""" # payload of clock volume ("get_clock_volume") # already in get_clock response return self.send("get_clock")
# Developer key
[docs] @command() def get_developer_key(self): """Return the developer API key.""" return self.send("get_lumi_dpf_aes_key")[0]
[docs] @command(click.argument("key")) def set_developer_key(self, key): """Set the developer API key.""" if len(key) != 16: click.echo("Key must be of length 16, was %s" % len(key)) return self.send("set_lumi_dpf_aes_key", [key])
[docs] @command() def enable_telnet(self): """Enable root telnet acces to the operating system, use login "admin" or "app", no password.""" try: return self.send("enable_telnet_service") except DeviceError: _LOGGER.error( "Gateway model '%s' does not (yet) support enabling the telnet interface", self.model, ) return None
[docs] @command() def timezone(self): """Get current timezone.""" return self.get_prop("tzone_sec")
[docs] @command() def get_illumination(self): """Get illumination. In lux? """ try: return self.send("get_illumination").pop() except Exception as ex: raise DeviceException( "Got an exception while getting gateway illumination" ) from ex
[docs] def register_callback(self, id: str, callback: GatewayCallback): """Register a external callback function for updates of this subdevice.""" if id in self._registered_callbacks: _LOGGER.error( "A callback with id '%s' was already registed, overwriting previous callback", id, ) self._registered_callbacks[id] = callback
[docs] def remove_callback(self, id: str): """Remove a external callback using its id.""" self._registered_callbacks.pop(id)
[docs] def gateway_push_callback(self, action: str, params: str): """Callback from the push server regarding the gateway itself.""" for callback in self._registered_callbacks.values(): callback(action, params)
[docs] def push_callback(self, source_device: str, action: str, params: str): """Callback from the push server.""" if source_device == str(self.device_id): self.gateway_push_callback(action, params) return if source_device not in self.devices: _LOGGER.error( "'%s' callback from device '%s' not from a known device", action, source_device, ) return device = self.devices[source_device] device.push_callback(action, params)
[docs] async def close(self): """Cleanup all subscribed events and registered callbacks.""" if self._push_server is not None: await self._push_server.unregister_miio_device(self)