Source code for miio.integrations.lumi.gateway.devices.subdevice

"""Xiaomi Gateway subdevice base class."""

import logging
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Dict, List, Optional

import attr
import click

from miio import DeviceException
from miio.click_common import command
from miio.push_server import EventInfo

from ..gateway import GATEWAY_MODEL_EU, GATEWAY_MODEL_ZIG3, GatewayCallback

_LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)
    from ..gateway import Gateway

[docs] @attr.s(auto_attribs=True) class SubDeviceInfo: """SubDevice discovery info.""" sid: str type_id: int unknown: int unknown2: int fw_ver: int
[docs] class SubDevice: """Base class for all subdevices of the gateway these devices are connected through zigbee.""" def __init__( self, gw: "Gateway", dev_info: SubDeviceInfo, model_info: Optional[Dict] = None, ) -> None: self._gw = gw self.sid = dev_info.sid if model_info is None: model_info = {} self._model_info = model_info self._battery_powered = model_info.get("battery_powered", True) self._battery = None self._voltage = None self._fw_ver = dev_info.fw_ver self._model = model_info.get("model", "unknown") self._name = model_info.get("name", "unknown") self._zigbee_model = model_info.get("zigbee_id", "unknown") self._props = {} self.get_prop_exp_dict = {} for prop in model_info.get("properties", []): prop_name = prop.get("name", prop["property"]) self._props[prop_name] = prop.get("default") if prop.get("get") == "get_property_exp": self.get_prop_exp_dict[prop["property"]] = prop self.setter = model_info.get("setter") self.push_events = model_info.get("push_properties", []) self._event_ids: List[str] = [] self._registered_callbacks: Dict[str, GatewayCallback] = {} def __repr__(self): return "<Subdevice {}: {}, model: {}, zigbee: {}, fw: {}, bat: {}, vol: {}, props: {}>".format( self.device_type, self.sid, self.model, self.zigbee_model, self.firmware_version, self.get_battery(), self.get_voltage(), self.status, ) @property def status(self): """Return sub-device status as a dict containing all properties.""" return self._props @property def device_type(self): """Return the device type name.""" return self._model_info.get("type") @property def name(self): """Return the name of the device.""" return f"{self._name} ({self.sid})" @property def model(self): """Return the device model.""" return self._model @property def zigbee_model(self): """Return the zigbee device model.""" return self._zigbee_model @property def firmware_version(self): """Return the firmware version.""" return self._fw_ver @property def battery(self): """Return the battery level in %.""" return self._battery @property def voltage(self): """Return the battery voltage in V.""" return self._voltage
[docs] @command() def update(self): """Update all device properties.""" if self.get_prop_exp_dict: values = self.get_property_exp(list(self.get_prop_exp_dict.keys())) try: i = 0 for prop in self.get_prop_exp_dict.values(): result = values[i] if prop.get("devisor"): result = values[i] / prop.get("devisor") prop_name = prop.get("name", prop["property"]) self._props[prop_name] = result i = i + 1 except Exception as ex: raise DeviceException( "One or more unexpected results while " "fetching properties %s: %s on model %s" % (self.get_prop_exp_dict, values, self.model) ) from ex
[docs] @command() def send(self, command): """Send a command/query to the subdevice.""" try: return self._gw.send(command, [self.sid]) except Exception as ex: raise DeviceException( "Got an exception while sending command %s on model %s" % (command, self.model) ) from ex
[docs] @command() def send_arg(self, command, arguments): """Send a command/query including arguments to the subdevice.""" try: return self._gw.send(command, arguments, extra_parameters={"sid": self.sid}) except Exception as ex: raise DeviceException( "Got an exception while sending " "command '%s' with arguments '%s' on model %s" % (command, str(arguments), self.model) ) from ex
[docs] @command(click.argument("property")) def get_property(self, property): """Get the value of a property of the subdevice.""" try: response = self._gw.send("get_device_prop", [self.sid, property]) except Exception as ex: raise DeviceException( "Got an exception while fetching property %s on model %s" % (property, self.model) ) from ex if not response: raise DeviceException( f"Empty response while fetching property {property!r}: {response} on model {self.model}" ) return response
[docs] @command(click.argument("properties", nargs=-1)) def get_property_exp(self, properties): """Get the value of a bunch of properties of the subdevice.""" try: response = self._gw.send( "get_device_prop_exp", [[self.sid] + list(properties)] ).pop() except Exception as ex: raise DeviceException( "Got an exception while fetching properties %s on model %s" % (properties, self.model) ) from ex if len(list(properties)) != len(response): raise DeviceException( "unexpected result while fetching properties %s: %s on model %s" % (properties, response, self.model) ) return response
[docs] @command(click.argument("property"), click.argument("value")) def set_property(self, property, value): """Set a device property of the subdevice.""" try: return self._gw.send("set_device_prop", {"sid": self.sid, property: value}) except Exception as ex: raise DeviceException( "Got an exception while setting propertie %s to value %s on model %s" % (property, str(value), self.model) ) from ex
[docs] @command() def unpair(self): """Unpair this device from the gateway.""" return self.send("remove_device")
[docs] @command() def get_battery(self) -> Optional[int]: """Update the battery level, if available.""" if not self._battery_powered: _LOGGER.debug( "%s is not battery powered, get_battery not supported",, ) return None if self._gw.model not in [GATEWAY_MODEL_EU, GATEWAY_MODEL_ZIG3]: self._battery = self.send("get_battery").pop() else: "Gateway model '%s' does not (yet) support get_battery", self._gw.model, ) return self._battery
[docs] @command() def get_voltage(self) -> Optional[float]: """Update the battery voltage, if available.""" if not self._battery_powered: _LOGGER.debug( "%s is not battery powered, get_voltage not supported",, ) return None if self._gw.model in [GATEWAY_MODEL_EU, GATEWAY_MODEL_ZIG3]: self._voltage = self.get_property("voltage").pop() / 1000 else: "Gateway model '%s' does not (yet) support get_voltage", self._gw.model, ) return self._voltage
[docs] @command() def get_firmware_version(self) -> Optional[int]: """Returns firmware version.""" try: self._fw_ver = self.get_property("fw_ver").pop() except Exception as ex: "get_firmware_version failed, returning firmware version from discovery info: %s", ex, ) return self._fw_ver
[docs] def register_callback(self, id: str, callback: GatewayCallback): """Register a external callback function for updates of this subdevice.""" if id in self._registered_callbacks: _LOGGER.error( "A callback with id '%s' was already registed, overwriting previous callback", id, ) self._registered_callbacks[id] = callback
[docs] def remove_callback(self, id: str): """Remove a external callback using its id.""" self._registered_callbacks.pop(id)
[docs] def push_callback(self, action: str, params: str): """Push callback received from the push server.""" if action not in self.push_events: _LOGGER.error( "Received unregistered action '%s' callback for sid '%s' model '%s'", action, self.sid, self.model, ) event = self.push_events[action] prop = event.get("property") value = event.get("value") if prop is not None and value is not None: self._props[prop] = value for callback in self._registered_callbacks.values(): callback(action, params)
[docs] async def subscribe_events(self): """subscribe to all subdevice events using the push server.""" if self._gw._push_server is None: raise DeviceException( "Can not install push callback without a PushServer instance" ) result = True for action in self.push_events: event_info = EventInfo( action=action, extra=self.push_events[action]["extra"], source_sid=self.sid, source_model=self.zigbee_model, event=self.push_events[action].get("event"), command_extra=self.push_events[action].get("command_extra", ""), trigger_value=self.push_events[action].get("trigger_value"), ) event_id = await self._gw._push_server.subscribe_event(self._gw, event_info) if event_id is None: result = False continue self._event_ids.append(event_id) return result
[docs] async def unsubscribe_events(self): """Unsubscibe from events registered in the gateway memory.""" for event_id in self._event_ids: await self._gw._push_server.unsubscribe_event(self._gw, event_id) self._event_ids.remove(event_id)