Source code for miio.devtools.simulators.common

"""Common functionalities for miio and miot simulators."""

from hashlib import md5

[docs] def create_info_response(model, addr, mac): """Create a response for call using the given model and mac.""" INFO_RESPONSE = { "ap": {"bssid": "FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF", "rssi": -68, "ssid": "network"}, "cfg_time": 0, "fw_ver": "1.2.4_16", "hw_ver": "MW300", "life": 24, "mac": mac, "mmfree": 30312, "model": model, "netif": { "gw": "", "localIp": addr, "mask": "", }, "ot": "otu", "ott_stat": [0, 0, 0, 0], "otu_stat": [320, 267, 3, 0, 3, 742], "token": 32 * "0", "wifi_fw_ver": "SD878x-14.76.36.p84-702.1.0-WM", } return INFO_RESPONSE
[docs] def did_and_mac_for_model(model): """Creates a device id and a mac address based on the model name. These identifiers allow making a simulated device unique for testing. """ m = md5() # nosec m.update(model.encode()) digest = m.hexdigest()[:12] did = int(digest[:8], base=16) mac = ":".join([digest[i : i + 2] for i in range(0, len(digest), 2)]) return did, mac