Source code for miio.descriptors

"""This module contains descriptors.

The descriptors contain information that can be used to provide generic, dynamic user-interfaces.

If you are a downstream developer, use :func:``,
:func:`~miio.device.Device.actions()` to access the functionality exposed by the integration developer.

If you are developing an integration, prefer :func:`~miio.devicestatus.sensor`, :func:`~miio.devicestatus.setting`, and
:func:`~miio.devicestatus.action` decorators over creating the descriptors manually.

from enum import Enum, Flag, auto
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, List, Optional, Type

import attr

[docs] @attr.s(auto_attribs=True) class ValidSettingRange: """Describes a valid input range for a property.""" min_value: int max_value: int step: int = 1
[docs] class AccessFlags(Flag): """Defines the access rights for the property behind the descriptor.""" Read = auto() Write = auto() Execute = auto() def __str__(self): """Return pretty printable string representation.""" s = "" s += "r" if self & AccessFlags.Read else "-" s += "w" if self & AccessFlags.Write else "-" s += "x" if self & AccessFlags.Execute else "-" return s
[docs] @attr.s(auto_attribs=True) class Descriptor: """Base class for all descriptors.""" #: Unique identifier. id: str #: Human readable name. name: str #: Type of the property, if applicable. type: Optional[type] = None #: Unit of the property, if applicable. unit: Optional[str] = None #: Name of the attribute in the status container that contains the value, if applicable. status_attribute: Optional[str] = None #: Additional data related to this descriptor. extras: Dict = attr.ib(factory=dict, repr=False) #: Access flags (read, write, execute) for the described item. access: AccessFlags = attr.ib(default=AccessFlags(0)) @property def __cli_output__(self) -> str: """Return a string presentation for the cli.""" s = f"{} ({})\n" if self.type: s += f"\tType: {self.type}\n" if self.unit: s += f"\tUnit: {self.unit}\n" if self.status_attribute: s += f"\tAttribute: {self.status_attribute}\n" s += f"\tAccess: {self.access}\n" if self.extras: s += f"\tExtras: {self.extras}\n" return s
[docs] @attr.s(auto_attribs=True) class ActionDescriptor(Descriptor): """Describes a button exposed by the device.""" # Callable to execute the action. method: Optional[Callable] = attr.ib(default=None, repr=False) #: Name of the method in the device class that can be used to execute the action. method_name: Optional[str] = attr.ib(default=None, repr=False) inputs: Optional[List[Any]] = attr.ib(default=None, repr=True) access: AccessFlags = attr.ib(default=AccessFlags.Execute) @property def __cli_output__(self) -> str: """Return a string presentation for the cli.""" s = super().__cli_output__ if self.inputs: s += f"\tInputs: {self.inputs}\n" return s
[docs] class PropertyConstraint(Enum): """Defines constraints for integer based properties.""" Unset = auto() Range = auto() Choice = auto()
[docs] @attr.s(auto_attribs=True, kw_only=True) class PropertyDescriptor(Descriptor): """Describes a property exposed by the device. This information can be used by library users to programmatically access information what types of data is available to display to users. Prefer :meth:`@sensor <miio.devicestatus.sensor>` or :meth:`@setting <miio.devicestatus.setting>` for constructing these. """ #: Name of the attribute in the status container that contains the value. status_attribute: str #: Sensors are read-only and settings are (usually) read-write. access: AccessFlags = attr.ib(default=AccessFlags.Read) #: Constraint type defining the allowed values for an integer property. constraint: PropertyConstraint = attr.ib(default=PropertyConstraint.Unset) #: Callable to set the value of the property. setter: Optional[Callable] = attr.ib(default=None, repr=False) #: Name of the method in the device class that can be used to set the value. #: If set, the callable with this name will override the `setter` attribute. setter_name: Optional[str] = attr.ib(default=None, repr=False) @property def __cli_output__(self) -> str: """Return a string presentation for the cli.""" s = super().__cli_output__ if self.setter: s += f"\tSetter: {self.setter}\n" if self.setter_name: s += f"\tSetter Name: {self.setter_name}\n" if self.constraint: s += f"\tConstraint: {self.constraint}\n" return s
[docs] @attr.s(auto_attribs=True, kw_only=True) class EnumDescriptor(PropertyDescriptor): """Presents a settable, enum-based value.""" constraint: PropertyConstraint = PropertyConstraint.Choice #: Name of the attribute in the device class that returns the choices. choices_attribute: Optional[str] = attr.ib(default=None, repr=False) #: Enum class containing the available choices. choices: Optional[Type[Enum]] = attr.ib(default=None, repr=False) @property def __cli_output__(self) -> str: """Return a string presentation for the cli.""" s = super().__cli_output__ if self.choices: s += f"\tChoices: {self.choices}\n" return s
[docs] @attr.s(auto_attribs=True, kw_only=True) class RangeDescriptor(PropertyDescriptor): """Presents a settable, numerical value constrained by min, max, and step. If `range_attribute` is set, the named property that should return a :class:`ValidSettingRange` object to override the {min,max}_value and step values. """ #: Minimum value for the property. min_value: int #: Maximum value for the property. max_value: int #: Step size for the property. step: int #: Name of the attribute in the device class that returns the range. #: If set, this will override the individual min/max/step values. range_attribute: Optional[str] = attr.ib(default=None) type: type = int constraint: PropertyConstraint = PropertyConstraint.Range @property def __cli_output__(self) -> str: """Return a string presentation for the cli.""" s = super().__cli_output__ s += f"\tRange: {self.min_value} - {self.max_value} (step {self.step})\n" return s