Source code for miio.descriptorcollection

import logging
from collections import UserDict
from enum import Enum
from inspect import getmembers
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Generic, TypeVar, cast

from .descriptors import (
from .exceptions import DeviceException

_LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

    from miio import Device

T = TypeVar("T")

[docs] class DescriptorCollection(UserDict, Generic[T]): """A container of descriptors. This is a glorified dictionary that provides several useful features for handling descriptors like binding names (method_name, setter_name) to *device* callables, setting property constraints, and handling duplicate identifiers. """ def __init__(self, *args, device: "Device"): self._device = device super().__init__(*args)
[docs] def descriptors_from_object(self, obj): """Add descriptors from an object. This collects descriptors from the given object and adds them into the collection by: 1. Checking for '_descriptors' for descriptors created by the class itself. 2. Going through all members and looking if they have a '_descriptor' attribute set by a decorator """ _LOGGER.debug("Adding descriptors from %s", obj) descriptors_to_add = [] # 1. Check for existence of _descriptors as DeviceStatus' metaclass collects them already if descriptors := getattr(obj, "_descriptors"): # noqa: B009 for _name, desc in descriptors.items(): descriptors_to_add.append(desc) # 2. Check if object members have descriptors for _name, method in getmembers(obj, lambda o: hasattr(o, "_descriptor")): prop_desc = method._descriptor if not isinstance(prop_desc, Descriptor): _LOGGER.warning("%s %s is not a descriptor, skipping", _name, method) continue prop_desc.method = method descriptors_to_add.append(prop_desc) for desc in descriptors_to_add: self.add_descriptor(desc)
[docs] def add_descriptor(self, descriptor: Descriptor): """Add a descriptor to the collection. This adds a suffix to the identifier if the name already exists. """ if not isinstance(descriptor, Descriptor): raise TypeError("Tried to add non-descriptor descriptor: %s", descriptor) def _get_free_id(id_, suffix=2): if id_ not in return id_ while f"{id_}-{suffix}" in suffix += 1 return f"{id_}-{suffix}" = _get_free_id( if isinstance(descriptor, PropertyDescriptor): self._handle_property_descriptor(descriptor) elif isinstance(descriptor, ActionDescriptor): self._handle_action_descriptor(descriptor) else: _LOGGER.debug("Using descriptor as is: %s", descriptor)[] = descriptor _LOGGER.debug("Added descriptor: %r", descriptor)
def _handle_action_descriptor(self, prop: ActionDescriptor) -> None: """Bind the action method to the action.""" if prop.method_name is not None: prop.method = getattr(self._device, prop.method_name) if prop.method is None: raise ValueError(f"Neither method or method_name was defined for {prop}") def _handle_property_descriptor(self, prop: PropertyDescriptor) -> None: """Bind the setter method to the property.""" if prop.setter_name is not None: prop.setter = getattr(self._device, prop.setter_name) if prop.access & AccessFlags.Write and prop.setter is None: raise ValueError(f"Neither setter or setter_name was defined for {prop}") # TODO: temporary hack as this should not cause I/O nor fail try: self._handle_constraints(prop) except DeviceException as ex: _LOGGER.error("Adding constraints failed: %s", ex) def _handle_constraints(self, prop: PropertyDescriptor) -> None: """Set attribute-based constraints for the descriptor.""" if prop.constraint == PropertyConstraint.Choice: prop = cast(EnumDescriptor, prop) if prop.choices_attribute is not None: retrieve_choices_function = getattr( self._device, prop.choices_attribute ) choices = retrieve_choices_function() if isinstance(choices, dict): prop.choices = Enum(f"GENERATED_ENUM_{}", choices) else: prop.choices = choices if prop.choices is None: raise ValueError( f"Neither choices nor choices_attribute was defined for {prop}" ) elif prop.constraint == PropertyConstraint.Range: prop = cast(RangeDescriptor, prop) if prop.range_attribute is not None: range_def = getattr(self._device, prop.range_attribute) prop.min_value = range_def.min_value prop.max_value = range_def.max_value prop.step = range_def.step # A property without constraints, nothing to do here. @property def __cli_output__(self): """Return a string presentation for the cli.""" s = "" for d in s += f"{d.__cli_output__}\n" return s