miio.integrations.vacuum.roidmi.roidmivacuum_miot module

Vacuum Eve Plus (roidmi.vacuum.v60)

class miio.integrations.vacuum.roidmi.roidmivacuum_miot.ChargingState(value)[source]

Bases: enum.Enum

An enumeration.

Charging = 1
Discharging = 2
NotChargeable = 4
Unknown = -1
class miio.integrations.vacuum.roidmi.roidmivacuum_miot.FanSpeed(value)[source]

Bases: enum.Enum

An enumeration.

Basic = 2
FullSpeed = 4
Silent = 1
Strong = 3
Sweep = 0
Unknown = -1
class miio.integrations.vacuum.roidmi.roidmivacuum_miot.PathMode(value)[source]

Bases: enum.Enum

An enumeration.

Normal = 0
RepeatMopping = 2
Unknown = -1
YMopping = 1
class miio.integrations.vacuum.roidmi.roidmivacuum_miot.RoidmiCleaningSummary(data)[source]

Bases: miio.device.DeviceStatus

Contains summarized information about available cleaning runs.

property count: int

Number of cleaning runs.

property total_area: int

Total cleaned area.

property total_duration: datetime.timedelta

Total cleaning duration.

class miio.integrations.vacuum.roidmi.roidmivacuum_miot.RoidmiConsumableStatus(data)[source]

Bases: miio.device.DeviceStatus

Container for consumable status information, including information about brushes and duration until they should be changed.

The methods returning time left are based values returned from the device.

property filter: datetime.timedelta

Filter usage time.

property filter_left: datetime.timedelta

How long until the filter should be changed.

property main_brush: datetime.timedelta

Main brush usage time.

property main_brush_left: datetime.timedelta

How long until the main brush should be changed.

property sensor_dirty: datetime.timedelta

Return time since last sensor clean.

property sensor_dirty_left: datetime.timedelta

How long until the sensors should be cleaned.

property side_brush: datetime.timedelta

Main brush usage time.

property side_brush_left: datetime.timedelta

How long until the side brushes should be changed.

class miio.integrations.vacuum.roidmi.roidmivacuum_miot.RoidmiState(value)[source]

Bases: enum.Enum

An enumeration.

Charging = 6
Dormant = 1
Error = 7
FindChargerPause = 11
Fullcharge = 9
GoCharging = 5
Idle = 2
Paused = 3
Rfctrl = 8
Shutdown = 10
Sweeping = 4
Unknown = -1
class miio.integrations.vacuum.roidmi.roidmivacuum_miot.RoidmiVacuumMiot(ip: Optional[str] = None, token: Optional[str] = None, start_id: int = 0, debug: int = 0, lazy_discover: bool = True, timeout: Optional[int] = None, *, model: Optional[str] = None, mapping: Optional[Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]]] = None)[source]

Bases: miio.miot_device.MiotDevice, miio.interfaces.vacuuminterface.VacuumInterface

Interface for Vacuum Eve Plus (roidmi.vacuum.v60)

call_action(*args, **kwargs)
call_action_by(*args, **kwargs)
cleaning_summary(*args, **kwargs)
configure_wifi(ssid, password, uid=0, extra_params=None)

Configure the wifi settings.

consumable_status(*args, **kwargs)
disable_dnd(*args, **kwargs)
fan_speed_presets(*args, **kwargs)

Return available fan speed presets.

The returned object is a dictionary where the key is user-readable name and the value is input for set_fan_speed_preset().

classmethod get_device_group()
get_properties(properties, *, property_getter='get_prop', max_properties=None)

Request properties in slices based on given max_properties.

This is necessary as some devices have limitation on how many properties can be queried at once.

If max_properties is None, all properties are requested at once.

  • properties (list) – List of properties to query from the device.

  • max_properties (int) – Number of properties that can be requested at once.

:return List of property values.

get_properties_for_mapping(*, max_properties=15) list

Retrieve raw properties based on mapping.

get_property_by(*args, **kwargs)
home(*args, **kwargs)

Return vacuum robot to home station/dock.

identify(*args, **kwargs)
info(*args, **kwargs)

Pause cleaning.


RuntimeError – if the method is not supported by the device

raw_command(*args, **kwargs)
reset_filter_life(*args, **kwargs)
reset_mainbrush_life(*args, **kwargs)
reset_sensor_dirty_life(*args, **kwargs)
reset_sidebrush_life(*args, **kwargs)
send(command: str, parameters: Optional[Any] = None, retry_count: Optional[int] = None, *, extra_parameters=None) Any

Send a command to the device.

Basic format of the request: {“id”: 1234, “method”: command, “parameters”: parameters}

extra_parameters allows passing elements to the top-level of the request. This is necessary for some devices, such as gateway devices, which expect the sub-device identifier to be on the top-level.

  • command (str) – Command to send

  • parameters (dict) – Parameters to send

  • retry_count (int) – How many times to retry on error

  • extra_parameters (dict) – Extra top-level parameters

  • model (str) – Force model to avoid autodetection


Send initial handshake to the device.

set_carpet_mode(*args, **kwargs)
set_dnd(*args, **kwargs)
set_double_clean(*args, **kwargs)
set_dust_collection_frequency(*args, **kwargs)
set_fan_speed_preset(*args, **kwargs)

Set fan speed preset speed.


speed_preset – a value from fan_speed_presets()


ValueError – for invalid preset value

set_fanspeed(*args, **kwargs)
set_led(*args, **kwargs)
set_lidar_collision_sensor(*args, **kwargs)
set_path_mode(*args, **kwargs)
set_property(property_key: str, value)

Sets property value using the existing mapping.

set_property_by(*args, **kwargs)
set_sound_muted(*args, **kwargs)
set_sound_volume(*args, **kwargs)
set_station_led(*args, **kwargs)
set_sweep_type(*args, **kwargs)
set_timing(*args, **kwargs)
set_water_level(*args, **kwargs)
start(*args, **kwargs)

Start cleaning.

start_dust(*args, **kwargs)
status(*args, **kwargs)
stop(*args, **kwargs)

Stop cleaning.

test_properties(*args, **kwargs)
update(url: str, md5: str)

Start an OTA update.

update_progress() int

Return current update progress [0-100].


Return current update state.

property device_id: int

Return device id (did), if available.

mapping: Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]]
property model: str

Return device model.

property raw_id: int

Return the last used protocol sequence id.

retry_count = 3
supported_models = dict_keys(['roidmi.vacuum.v60'])
timeout = 5
token: Optional[str]
class miio.integrations.vacuum.roidmi.roidmivacuum_miot.RoidmiVacuumStatus(data)[source]

Bases: miio.device.DeviceStatus

Container for status reports from the vacuum.

property battery: int

Remaining battery in percentage.

property carpet_mode: bool

Auto boost on carpet.

property charging_state: miio.integrations.vacuum.roidmi.roidmivacuum_miot.ChargingState

Charging state (Charging/Discharging)

property clean_area: int

Cleaned area in m2.

property clean_time: datetime.timedelta

Time used for cleaning (if finished, shows how long it took).

property current_audio: str

Current voice setting.

E.g. ‘girl_en’

property dnd_status: miio.integrations.vacuum.roborock.vacuumcontainers.DNDStatus

Returns do-not-disturb status.

property double_clean: bool

Is double clean enabled.

property dust_collection_frequency: int

Frequency for emptying the dust bin.

Example: 2 means the dust bin is emptied every second cleaning.

property error: str

Human readable error description, see also error_code().

property error_code: int

Error code as returned by the device.

property fan_speed: miio.integrations.vacuum.roidmi.roidmivacuum_miot.FanSpeed

Current fan speed.

property got_error: bool

True if an error has occured.

property is_lidar_collision_sensor: bool

When ON, the robot will use lidar as the main detection sensor to help reduce collisions.

property is_mop_attached: bool

Return True if mop is attached.

property is_muted: bool

True if device is muted.

property is_on: bool

True if device is currently cleaning in any mode.

property is_paused: bool

Return True if vacuum is paused.

property led: bool

Return True if led/display on vaccum is on.

property path_mode: miio.integrations.vacuum.roidmi.roidmivacuum_miot.PathMode

Current path-mode: normal/y-mopping etc.

property state: miio.integrations.vacuum.roidmi.roidmivacuum_miot.RoidmiState

Human readable state description, see also state_code().

property state_code: int

State code as returned by the device.

property station_key: bool

When ON: long press the display will turn on dust collection.

property station_led: bool

Return if station display is on.

property sweep_mode: miio.integrations.vacuum.roidmi.roidmivacuum_miot.SweepMode

Sweep mode point/area/total etc.

property sweep_type: miio.integrations.vacuum.roidmi.roidmivacuum_miot.SweepType

Current sweep type sweep/mop/sweep&mop.

property timing: str

Repeated cleaning Example: {“time”:[[32400,1,3,0,[1,2,3,4,5],0,[12,10],null],[57600,0,1,2,[1,2,3,4,5,6,0],2,[],null]],”tz”:2,”tzs”:7200} Cleaning 1:

32400 = startTime(9:00) 1=Enabled 3=FanSpeed.Strong 0=SweepType.Sweep [1,2,3,4,5]=Monday-Friday 0=WaterLevel [12,10]=List of rooms null: ?Might be related to “Customize”?

Cleaning 2:

57600 = startTime(16:00) 0=Disabled 1=FanSpeed.Silent 2=SweepType.MopAndSweep [1,2,3,4,5,6,0]=Monday-Sunday 2=WaterLevel.Second []=All rooms null: ?Might be related to “Customize”?

tz/tzs= time-zone

property volume: int

Return device sound volumen level.

property water_level: miio.integrations.vacuum.roidmi.roidmivacuum_miot.WaterLevel

Get current water level.

class miio.integrations.vacuum.roidmi.roidmivacuum_miot.SweepMode(value)[source]

Bases: enum.Enum

An enumeration.

AlongWall = 10
AmartArea = 8
Area = 2
Curpoint = 3
DepthTotal = 9
Idle = 0
Point = 4
Smart = 7
Total = 1
Unknown = -1
class miio.integrations.vacuum.roidmi.roidmivacuum_miot.SweepType(value)[source]

Bases: enum.Enum

An enumeration.

Mop = 1
MopAndSweep = 2
Sweep = 0
Unknown = -1
class miio.integrations.vacuum.roidmi.roidmivacuum_miot.WaterLevel(value)[source]

Bases: enum.Enum

An enumeration.

First = 1
Fourth = 4
Mop = 0
Second = 2
Three = 3
Unknown = -1