Source code for miio.interfaces.vacuuminterface

"""`VacuumInterface` is an interface (abstract class) with shared API for all vacuum
from abc import abstractmethod
from typing import Dict

# Dictionary of predefined fan speeds
FanspeedPresets = Dict[str, int]

[docs]class VacuumInterface: """Vacuum API interface."""
[docs] @abstractmethod def home(self): """Return vacuum robot to home station/dock."""
[docs] @abstractmethod def start(self): """Start cleaning."""
[docs] @abstractmethod def stop(self): """Stop cleaning."""
[docs] def pause(self): """Pause cleaning. :raises RuntimeError: if the method is not supported by the device """ raise RuntimeError("`pause` not supported")
[docs] @abstractmethod def fan_speed_presets(self) -> FanspeedPresets: """Return available fan speed presets. The returned object is a dictionary where the key is user-readable name and the value is input for :func:`set_fan_speed_preset()`. """
[docs] @abstractmethod def set_fan_speed_preset(self, speed_preset: int) -> None: """Set fan speed preset speed. :param speed_preset: a value from :func:`fan_speed_presets()` :raises ValueError: for invalid preset value """