Source code for miio.gateway.gateway

"""Xiaomi Gateway implementation using Miio protecol."""

import logging
import os
import sys
from typing import Callable, Dict, List

import click
import yaml

from ..click_common import command
from ..device import Device
from ..exceptions import DeviceError, DeviceException
from .alarm import Alarm
from .light import Light
from .radio import Radio
from .zigbee import Zigbee

_LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

GATEWAY_MODEL_CHINA = "lumi.gateway.v3"
GATEWAY_MODEL_EU = "lumi.gateway.mieu01"
GATEWAY_MODEL_ZIG3 = "lumi.gateway.mgl03"
GATEWAY_MODEL_AQARA = "lumi.gateway.aqhm01"
GATEWAY_MODEL_AC_V1 = "lumi.acpartner.v1"
GATEWAY_MODEL_AC_V2 = "lumi.acpartner.v2"
GATEWAY_MODEL_AC_V3 = "lumi.acpartner.v3"


GatewayCallback = Callable[[str, str], None]

[docs]class GatewayException(DeviceException): """Exception for the Xioami Gateway communication."""
from .devices import SubDevice, SubDeviceInfo # noqa: E402 isort:skip
[docs]class Gateway(Device): """Main class representing the Xiaomi Gateway. Use the given property getters to access specific functionalities such as `alarm` (for alarm controls) or `light` (for lights). Commands whose functionality or parameters are unknown, feel free to implement! * toggle_device * toggle_plug * remove_all_bind * list_bind [0] * bind_page * bind * remove_bind * self.get_prop("used_for_public") # Return the 'used_for_public' status, return value: [0] or [1], probably this has to do with developer mode. * self.set_prop("used_for_public", state) # Set the 'used_for_public' state, value: 0 or 1, probably this has to do with developer mode. * welcome * set_curtain_level * get_corridor_on_time * set_corridor_light ["off"] * get_corridor_light -> "on" * set_default_sound * set_doorbell_push, get_doorbell_push ["off"] * set_doorbell_volume [100], get_doorbell_volume * set_gateway_volume, get_gateway_volume * set_clock_volume * set_clock * get_sys_data * update_neighbor_token [{"did":x, "token":x, "ip":x}] ## property getters * ctrl_device_prop * get_device_prop_exp [[sid, list, of, properties]] ## scene * get_lumi_bind ["scene", <page number>] for rooms/devices """ _supported_models = SUPPORTED_MODELS def __init__( self, ip: str = None, token: str = None, start_id: int = 0, debug: int = 0, lazy_discover: bool = True, *, model: str = None, push_server=None, ) -> None: super().__init__(ip, token, start_id, debug, lazy_discover, model=model) self._alarm = Alarm(parent=self) self._radio = Radio(parent=self) self._zigbee = Zigbee(parent=self) self._light = Light(parent=self) self._devices: Dict[str, SubDevice] = {} self._info = None self._subdevice_model_map = None self._push_server = push_server self._event_ids: List[str] = [] self._registered_callbacks: Dict[str, GatewayCallback] = {} if self._push_server is not None: self._push_server.register_miio_device(self, self.push_callback) def _get_unknown_model(self): for model_info in self.subdevice_model_map: if model_info.get("type_id") == -1: return model_info @property def alarm(self) -> Alarm: """Return alarm control interface.""" # example: gateway.alarm.on() return self._alarm @property def radio(self) -> Radio: """Return radio control interface.""" return self._radio @property def zigbee(self) -> Zigbee: """Return zigbee control interface.""" return self._zigbee @property def light(self) -> Light: """Return light control interface.""" return self._light @property def devices(self): """Return a dict of the already discovered devices.""" return self._devices @property def mac(self): """Return the mac address of the gateway.""" if self._info is None: self._info = return self._info.mac_address @property def subdevice_model_map(self): """Return the subdevice model map.""" if self._subdevice_model_map is None: subdevice_file = os.path.dirname(__file__) + "/devices/subdevices.yaml" with open(subdevice_file) as filedata: self._subdevice_model_map = yaml.safe_load(filedata) return self._subdevice_model_map @command() def discover_devices(self): """Discovers SubDevices and returns a list of the discovered devices.""" self._devices = {} # Skip the models which do not support getting the device list if self.model == GATEWAY_MODEL_EU: _LOGGER.warning( "Gateway model '%s' does not (yet) support getting the device list, " "try using the get_devices_from_dict function with micloud", self.model, ) return self._devices if self.model == GATEWAY_MODEL_ZIG3: # self.get_prop("device_list") does not work for the GATEWAY_MODEL_ZIG3 # self.send("get_device_list") does work for the GATEWAY_MODEL_ZIG3 but gives slightly diffrent return values devices_raw = self.send("get_device_list") if type(devices_raw) != list: _LOGGER.debug( "Gateway response to 'get_device_list' not a list type, no zigbee devices connected." ) return self._devices for device in devices_raw: # Match 'model' to get the model_info model_info = self.match_zigbee_model(device["model"], device["did"]) # Extract discovered information dev_info = SubDeviceInfo( device["did"], model_info["type_id"], -1, -1, -1 ) # Setup the device self.setup_device(dev_info, model_info) else: devices_raw = self.get_prop("device_list") for x in range(0, len(devices_raw), 5): # Extract discovered information dev_info = SubDeviceInfo(*devices_raw[x : x + 5]) # Match 'type_id' to get the model_info model_info = self.match_type_id(dev_info.type_id, dev_info.sid) # Setup the device self.setup_device(dev_info, model_info) return self._devices def _get_device_by_did(self, device_dict, device_did): """Get a device by its did from a device dict.""" for device in device_dict: if device["did"] == device_did: return device return None @command() def get_devices_from_dict(self, device_dict): """Get SubDevices from a dict containing at least "mac", "did", "parent_id" and "model". This dict can be obtained with the micloud package: """ self._devices = {} # find the gateway gateway = self._get_device_by_did(device_dict, str(self.device_id)) if gateway is None: _LOGGER.error( "Could not find gateway with ip '%s', mac '%s', did '%i', model '%s' in the cloud device list response", self.ip, self.mac, self.device_id, self.model, ) return self._devices if gateway["mac"] != self.mac: _LOGGER.error( "Mac and device id of gateway with ip '%s', mac '%s', did '%i', model '%s' did not match in the cloud device list response", self.ip, self.mac, self.device_id, self.model, ) return self._devices # find the subdevices belonging to this gateway for device in device_dict: if device.get("parent_id") != str(self.device_id): continue # Match 'model' to get the type_id model_info = self.match_zigbee_model(device["model"], device["did"]) # Extract discovered information dev_info = SubDeviceInfo(device["did"], model_info["type_id"], -1, -1, -1) # Setup the device self.setup_device(dev_info, model_info) return self._devices @command(click.argument("zigbee_model", "sid")) def match_zigbee_model(self, zigbee_model, sid): """Match the zigbee_model to obtain the model_info.""" for model_info in self.subdevice_model_map: if model_info.get("zigbee_id") == zigbee_model: return model_info _LOGGER.warning( "Unknown subdevice discovered, could not match zigbee_model '%s' " "of subdevice sid '%s' from Xiaomi gateway with ip: %s", zigbee_model, sid, self.ip, ) return self._get_unknown_model() @command(click.argument("type_id", "sid")) def match_type_id(self, type_id, sid): """Match the type_id to obtain the model_info.""" for model_info in self.subdevice_model_map: if model_info.get("type_id") == type_id: return model_info _LOGGER.warning( "Unknown subdevice discovered, could not match type_id '%i' " "of subdevice sid '%s' from Xiaomi gateway with ip: %s", type_id, sid, self.ip, ) return self._get_unknown_model() @command(click.argument("dev_info", "model_info")) def setup_device(self, dev_info, model_info): """Setup a device using the SubDeviceInfo and model_info.""" if model_info.get("type") == "Gateway": # ignore the gateway itself return # Obtain the correct subdevice class subdevice_cls = getattr( sys.modules["miio.gateway.devices"], model_info.get("class") ) if subdevice_cls is None: subdevice_cls = SubDevice "Gateway device type '%s' " "does not have device specific methods defined, " "only basic default methods will be available", model_info.get("type"), ) # Initialize and save the subdevice self._devices[dev_info.sid] = subdevice_cls(self, dev_info, model_info) if self._devices[dev_info.sid].status == {}: "Discovered subdevice type '%s', has no device specific properties defined, " "this device has not been fully implemented yet (model: %s, name: %s).", model_info.get("type"), self._devices[dev_info.sid].model, self._devices[dev_info.sid].name, ) return self._devices[dev_info.sid] @command(click.argument("property")) def get_prop(self, property): """Get the value of a property for given sid.""" return self.send("get_device_prop", ["lumi.0", property]) @command(click.argument("properties", nargs=-1)) def get_prop_exp(self, properties): """Get the value of a bunch of properties for given sid.""" return self.send("get_device_prop_exp", [["lumi.0"] + list(properties)]) @command(click.argument("property"), click.argument("value")) def set_prop(self, property, value): """Set the device property.""" return self.send("set_device_prop", {"sid": "lumi.0", property: value}) @command() def clock(self): """Alarm clock.""" # payload of clock volume ("get_clock_volume") # already in get_clock response return self.send("get_clock") # Developer key @command() def get_developer_key(self): """Return the developer API key.""" return self.send("get_lumi_dpf_aes_key")[0] @command(click.argument("key")) def set_developer_key(self, key): """Set the developer API key.""" if len(key) != 16: click.echo("Key must be of length 16, was %s" % len(key)) return self.send("set_lumi_dpf_aes_key", [key]) @command() def enable_telnet(self): """Enable root telnet acces to the operating system, use login "admin" or "app", no password.""" try: return self.send("enable_telnet_service") except DeviceError: _LOGGER.error( "Gateway model '%s' does not (yet) support enabling the telnet interface", self.model, ) return None @command() def timezone(self): """Get current timezone.""" return self.get_prop("tzone_sec") @command() def get_illumination(self): """Get illumination. In lux? """ try: return self.send("get_illumination").pop() except Exception as ex: raise GatewayException( "Got an exception while getting gateway illumination" ) from ex
[docs] def register_callback(self, id: str, callback: GatewayCallback): """Register a external callback function for updates of this subdevice.""" if id in self._registered_callbacks: _LOGGER.error( "A callback with id '%s' was already registed, overwriting previous callback", id, ) self._registered_callbacks[id] = callback
[docs] def remove_callback(self, id: str): """Remove a external callback using its id.""" self._registered_callbacks.pop(id)
[docs] def gateway_push_callback(self, action: str, params: str): """Callback from the push server regarding the gateway itself.""" for callback in self._registered_callbacks.values(): callback(action, params)
[docs] def push_callback(self, source_device: str, action: str, params: str): """Callback from the push server.""" if source_device == str(self.device_id): self.gateway_push_callback(action, params) return if source_device not in self.devices: _LOGGER.error( "'%s' callback from device '%s' not from a known device", action, source_device, ) return device = self.devices[source_device] device.push_callback(action, params)
[docs] def close(self): """Cleanup all subscribed events and registered callbacks.""" if self._push_server is not None: self._push_server.unregister_miio_device(self)