Source code for miio.gateway.alarm

"""Xiaomi Gateway Alarm implementation."""

import logging
from datetime import datetime

from ..exceptions import DeviceException
from ..push_server import EventInfo
from .gatewaydevice import GatewayDevice

_LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class Alarm(GatewayDevice): """Class representing the Xiaomi Gateway Alarm."""
[docs] def status(self) -> str: """Return the alarm status from the device.""" # Response: 'on', 'off', 'oning' return self._gateway.send("get_arming").pop()
[docs] def on(self): """Turn alarm on.""" return self._gateway.send("set_arming", ["on"])
[docs] def off(self): """Turn alarm off.""" return self._gateway.send("set_arming", ["off"])
[docs] def arming_time(self) -> int: """Return time in seconds the alarm stays 'oning' before transitioning to 'on'.""" # Response: 5, 15, 30, 60 return self._gateway.send("get_arm_wait_time").pop()
[docs] def set_arming_time(self, seconds): """Set time the alarm stays at 'oning' before transitioning to 'on'.""" return self._gateway.send("set_arm_wait_time", [seconds])
[docs] def triggering_time(self) -> int: """Return the time in seconds the alarm is going off when triggered.""" # Response: 30, 60, etc. return self._gateway.get_prop("alarm_time_len").pop()
[docs] def set_triggering_time(self, seconds): """Set the time in seconds the alarm is going off when triggered.""" return self._gateway.set_prop("alarm_time_len", seconds)
[docs] def triggering_light(self) -> int: """Return the time the gateway light blinks when the alarm is triggerd.""" # Response: 0=do not blink, 1=always blink, x>1=blink for x seconds return self._gateway.get_prop("en_alarm_light").pop()
[docs] def set_triggering_light(self, seconds): """Set the time the gateway light blinks when the alarm is triggerd.""" # values: 0=do not blink, 1=always blink, x>1=blink for x seconds return self._gateway.set_prop("en_alarm_light", seconds)
[docs] def triggering_volume(self) -> int: """Return the volume level at which alarms go off [0-100].""" return self._gateway.send("get_alarming_volume").pop()
[docs] def set_triggering_volume(self, volume): """Set the volume level at which alarms go off [0-100].""" return self._gateway.send("set_alarming_volume", [volume])
[docs] def last_status_change_time(self) -> datetime: """Return the last time the alarm changed status.""" return datetime.fromtimestamp(self._gateway.send("get_arming_time").pop())
[docs] def subscribe_events(self): """subscribe to the alarm events using the push server.""" if self._gateway._push_server is None: raise DeviceException( "Can not install push callback without a PushServer instance" ) event_info = EventInfo( action="alarm_triggering", extra="[1,19,1,111,[0,1],2,0]", trigger_token=self._gateway.token, ) event_id = self._gateway._push_server.subscribe_event(self._gateway, event_info) if event_id is None: return False self._event_ids.append(event_id) return True
[docs] def unsubscribe_events(self): """Unsubscibe from events registered in the gateway memory.""" for event_id in self._event_ids: self._gateway._push_server.unsubscribe_event(self._gateway, event_id) self._event_ids.remove(event_id)