Source code for miio.click_common

"""Click commons.

This file contains common functions for cli tools.
import ast
import ipaddress
import json
import logging
import re
from functools import partial, wraps
from typing import Callable, Set, Type, Union

import click

import miio

from .exceptions import DeviceError

_LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def validate_ip(ctx, param, value): if value is None: return None try: ipaddress.ip_address(value) return value except ValueError as ex: raise click.BadParameter("Invalid IP: %s" % ex)
[docs]def validate_token(ctx, param, value): if value is None: return None token_len = len(value) if token_len != 32: raise click.BadParameter("Token length != 32 chars: %s" % token_len) return value
[docs]class ExceptionHandlerGroup(click.Group): """Add a simple group for catching the miio-related exceptions. This simplifies catching the exceptions from different click commands. Idea from """ def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): try: return self.main(*args, **kwargs) except miio.DeviceException as ex: _LOGGER.debug("Exception: %s", ex, exc_info=True) click.echo("Error: %s" % ex, fg="red", bold=True))
[docs]class EnumType(click.Choice): def __init__(self, enumcls, casesensitive=False): choices = enumcls.__members__ if not casesensitive: choices = (_.lower() for _ in choices) self._enumcls = enumcls self._casesensitive = casesensitive super().__init__(list(sorted(set(choices))))
[docs] def convert(self, value, param, ctx): if not self._casesensitive: value = value.lower() value = super().convert(value, param, ctx) if not self._casesensitive: return next(_ for _ in self._enumcls if == value.lower()) else: return next(_ for _ in self._enumcls if == value)
[docs] def get_metavar(self, param): word = self._enumcls.__name__ # Stolen from jpvanhal/inflection word = re.sub(r"([A-Z]+)([A-Z][a-z])", r"\1_\2", word) word = re.sub(r"([a-z\d])([A-Z])", r"\1_\2", word) word = word.replace("-", "_").lower().split("_") if word[-1] == "enum": word.pop() return ("_".join(word)).upper()
[docs]class LiteralParamType(click.ParamType): name = "literal"
[docs] def convert(self, value, param, ctx): try: return ast.literal_eval(value) except ValueError:"%s is not a valid literal" % value, param, ctx)
[docs]class GlobalContextObject: def __init__(self, debug: int = 0, output: Callable = None): self.debug = debug self.output = output
[docs]class DeviceGroupMeta(type): _device_classes: Set[Type] = set() def __new__(mcs, name, bases, namespace): commands = {} def _get_commands_for_namespace(namespace): commands = {} for _, val in namespace.items(): if not callable(val): continue device_group_command = getattr(val, "_device_group_command", None) if device_group_command is None: continue commands[device_group_command.command_name] = device_group_command return commands # 1. Go through base classes for commands for base in bases: commands.update(getattr(base, "_device_group_commands", {})) # 2. Add commands from the current class commands.update(_get_commands_for_namespace(namespace)) namespace["_device_group_commands"] = commands if "get_device_group" not in namespace: def get_device_group(dcls): return DeviceGroup(dcls) namespace["get_device_group"] = classmethod(get_device_group) cls = super().__new__(mcs, name, bases, namespace) mcs._device_classes.add(cls) return cls @property def supported_models(cls): """Return list of supported models.""" return cls._mappings.keys() or cls._supported_models
[docs]class DeviceGroup(click.MultiCommand):
[docs] class Command: def __init__(self, name, decorators, *, default_output=None, **kwargs): = name self.decorators = list(decorators) self.decorators.reverse() self.default_output = default_output self.kwargs = kwargs def __call__(self, func): self.func = func func._device_group_command = self self.kwargs.setdefault("help", self.func.__doc__) def _autodetect_model_if_needed(func): def _wrap(self, *args, **kwargs): skip_autodetect = func._device_group_command.kwargs.pop( "skip_autodetect", False ) if ( not skip_autodetect and self._model is None and self._info is None ): _LOGGER.debug( "Unknown model, trying autodetection. %s %s" % (self._model, self._info) ) self._fetch_info() return func(self, *args, **kwargs) # TODO HACK to make the command visible to cli _wrap._device_group_command = func._device_group_command return _wrap func = _autodetect_model_if_needed(func) return func @property def command_name(self): return or self.func.__name__.lower()
[docs] def wrap(self, ctx, func): gco = ctx.find_object(GlobalContextObject) if gco is not None and gco.output is not None: output = gco.output elif self.default_output: output = self.default_output else: output = format_output(f"Running command {self.command_name}") # Remove skip_autodetect before constructing the click.command self.kwargs.pop("skip_autodetect", None) func = output(func) for decorator in self.decorators: func = decorator(func) return click.command(self.command_name, **self.kwargs)(func)
[docs] def call(self, owner, *args, **kwargs): method = getattr(owner, self.func.__name__) return method(*args, **kwargs)
DEFAULT_PARAMS = [ click.Option(["--ip"], required=True, callback=validate_ip), click.Option(["--token"], required=True, callback=validate_token), click.Option(["--model"], required=False), ] def __init__( self, device_class, name=None, invoke_without_command=False, no_args_is_help=None, subcommand_metavar=None, chain=False, result_callback=None, result_callback_pass_device=True, **attrs, ): self.commands = getattr(device_class, "_device_group_commands", None) if self.commands is None: raise RuntimeError( "Class {} doesn't use DeviceGroupMeta meta class." " It can't be used with DeviceGroup." ) self.device_class = device_class self.device_pass = click.make_pass_decorator(device_class) attrs.setdefault("params", self.DEFAULT_PARAMS) attrs.setdefault("callback", click.pass_context(self.group_callback)) if result_callback_pass_device and callable(result_callback): result_callback = self.device_pass(result_callback) super().__init__( name or device_class.__name__.lower(), invoke_without_command, no_args_is_help, subcommand_metavar, chain, result_callback, **attrs, )
[docs] def group_callback(self, ctx, *args, **kwargs): gco = ctx.find_object(GlobalContextObject) if gco: kwargs["debug"] = gco.debug ctx.obj = self.device_class(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def command_callback(self, miio_command, miio_device, *args, **kwargs): return, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def get_command(self, ctx, cmd_name): if cmd_name not in self.commands:"Unknown command (%s)" % cmd_name) cmd = self.commands[cmd_name] return self.commands[cmd_name].wrap( ctx, self.device_pass(partial(self.command_callback, cmd)) )
[docs] def list_commands(self, ctx): return sorted(self.commands.keys())
[docs]def command(*decorators, name=None, default_output=None, **kwargs): return DeviceGroup.Command( name, decorators, default_output=default_output, **kwargs )
[docs]def format_output( msg_fmt: Union[str, Callable] = "", result_msg_fmt: Union[str, Callable] = "{result}", ): def decorator(func): @wraps(func) def wrap(*args, **kwargs): if msg_fmt: if callable(msg_fmt): msg = msg_fmt(**kwargs) else: msg = msg_fmt.format(**kwargs) if msg: click.echo(msg.strip()) kwargs["result"] = func(*args, **kwargs) if result_msg_fmt: if callable(result_msg_fmt): result_msg = result_msg_fmt(**kwargs) else: result_msg = result_msg_fmt.format(**kwargs) if result_msg: click.echo(result_msg.strip()) return wrap return decorator
[docs]def json_output(pretty=False): indent = 2 if pretty else None def decorator(func): @wraps(func) def wrap(*args, **kwargs): try: result = func(*args, **kwargs) except DeviceError as ex: click.echo(json.dumps(ex.args[0], indent=indent)) return get_json_data_func = getattr(result, "__json__", None) data_variable = getattr(result, "data", None) if get_json_data_func is not None: result = get_json_data_func() elif data_variable is not None: result = data_variable click.echo(json.dumps(result, indent=indent)) return wrap return decorator